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<br /> <br /> <br />11 <br />other expenses necessary to maintain and preserve the Water System in good repair and <br />working order, and including all reasonable and necessary administrative costs of the City that <br />are charged directly or apportioned to the operation of the Water System, such as salaries and <br />wages of employees, overhead, taxes (if any), the cost of permits, licenses, and charges to <br />operate the Water System and insurance premiums; but excluding, in all cases depreciation, <br />replacement, and obsolescence charges or reserves therefor, amortization of intangibles and <br />other non-cash charges (for example, OPEB and pension accruals). <br /> <br />Water System. The Indenture defines “Water System” as the entire system of the City <br />for the treatment, production, storage and distribution of water within the service area of the <br />City, including but not limited to all facilities, properties, lands, rights, entitlements and other <br />property useful in connection therewith, together with all extensions thereof and improvements <br />thereto at any time acquired, constructed or installed by the City. <br /> <br />Receipt and Use of Gross Revenues under Installment Sale Agreement <br /> <br />Flow of Funds. The City has previously established the Water Fund, which the City will <br />continue to hold and maintain for the purposes and uses set forth in the Installment Sale <br />Agreement. The City shall deposit all of the Gross Revenues in the Water Fund immediately <br />upon receipt. The City shall apply amounts in the Water Fund as set forth in the Installment <br />Sale Agreement and any resolution, trust indenture or installment sale agreement adopted, <br />entered into or executed and delivered by the City under which Parity Debt may be issued <br />(collectively, “Parity Debt Instruments”). Amounts on deposit in the Water Fund shall be <br />applied by the City to pay when due the following amounts in the following order of priority: <br /> <br />(i) all Maintenance and Operation Costs (including amounts reasonably <br />required to be set aside in contingency reserves for Maintenance and Operation Costs) <br />as such Maintenance and Operation Costs become due and payable; <br /> <br />(ii) to the Trustee (or other recipient set forth in a Parity Debt Instrument) the <br />amount needed to pay the Installment Payments and principal of, and interest on, any <br />Parity Debt; <br /> <br />(iii) to the Trustee (or other recipient set forth in a Parity Debt Instrument) the <br />amount of any deficiency in any reserve fund established for any Bonds or Parity Debt, <br />the notice of which deficiency has been given to the City in accordance with the <br />Indenture and the related Parity Debt Instruments, on a pro rata basis; and <br /> <br />(iv) as long as all of the foregoing payments, allocations and transfers are <br />made at the times and in the manner set forth above, any moneys remaining in the <br />Water Fund may at any time be treated as surplus and applied for any lawful purpose. <br /> <br />No Preference or Priority. Payment of the Installment Payments and the principal of <br />and interest on any Parity Debt shall be made without preference or priority among the <br />Installment Payments and such Parity Debt. If the amount of Net Revenues on deposit in the <br />Water Fund is at any time insufficient to enable the City to pay when due the Installment <br />Payments and the principal of and interest on any Parity Debt, such payments shall be made on <br />a pro rata basis and the deficiency shall constitute an Event of Default under the Installment <br />Sale Agreement.