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Submitte d O n: <br />Ma y 6, 2024, 04:01PM P DT <br />C ity C ouncil W or kshop and <br />Regular M eeting - Submit y our <br />w r itten public comment <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Full Na me F irs t Na me : Tho m as <br />La s t Na me : Vincent <br />E ma il (this e ntry is dis c lo s a ble <br />if inc lude d) <br />C ity C o unc il Me e ting Da te May 07, 2024 <br />Age nda Ite m Numbe r no t s ur e <br />C o mme nts S om eone pos ted on ne xt door that ther e is go ing to be a dis cus s ion <br />o f the leaf blo wer ban. I dont' s ee it on the agenda, but wanted to <br />thr ow in m y two cents . One of the big r eas ons for the ban was nois e <br />po llution. G as -po wer ed leaf blower s ca n gener ate nois e levels <br />e xceeding 100 decibels , which is ha r mful to hear ing. For r efer ence, <br />a cha ins a w oper ates at a r o und 110 decibels . Leaf blo wer s pr oduce a <br />low-fr equency no is e which tr avels fur ther a nd penetr ates walls m or e <br />e as ily tha n highe r fr equencies . T his means the dis r uption extends <br />far beyond the immediate ar ea. <br />Even with impr o vem ents , gas -po wer ed leaf blower s s till pr o duce <br />co ns ider ably m or e em is s ions than m oder n vehicle s for the time <br />they'r e us ed. T his is due to their les s efficie nt engines and les s <br />s tr ingent em is s ion contr ol.