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<br />P24-0110 Planning Commission <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW: If the operation of this use results in <br />conflicts pertaining to parking, noise, traffic/circulation, or other factors, at the <br />discretion of the Director of Community Development, this conditional use permit <br />may be submitted to the Planning Commission for their subsequent review at a <br />public hearing. If necessary, the Planning Commission may modify or add <br />conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts, or may revoke said conditional <br />use permit. <br /> <br />8. CAPACITY: L’Academy School, a daycare facility, shall be limited to a maximum <br />of 110 children and 18 staff members on-site at any given time. (Project <br />Specific Condition) <br /> <br />9. NOISE: The applicant shall keep all exterior doors of the tenant space closed <br />when not being used for ingress/egress purposes. (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />10. DIAPER DISPOSAL: Dirty diapers shall be placed in airtight bags before <br />depositing the diapers in the trash bin. (Project Specific Condition) <br /> <br />11. PARKING: Parents and guardians shall park in the designated parking stalls <br />when dropping off or picking up students. No double parking, parking in non- <br />designated stalls, or curb-side drop-off and pick-up shall be permitted. (Project <br />Specific Condition) <br /> <br />12. MAINTENANCE: The applicant shall maintain the subject property or if <br />applicable, the area surrounding the site, in a clean and orderly manner at all <br />times. <br /> <br />13. DAYCARE LICENSE APPROVAL: The applicant shall obtain State license <br />approval for the daycare facility prior to commencing enrollment and provide a <br />copy to the Planning Division upon receipt from the State. The facility shall enroll <br />only the number of children for which it has a State license. (Project Specific <br />Condition) <br /> <br />14. SIGNAGE: This approval does not include approval of any signage. Any signage <br />requires a separate review and approval by the City prior to sign installation. <br /> <br />15. EXTERIOR CHANGES: Changes to the exterior of the building shall not be made <br />without prior approval from the Planning Division. <br /> <br />16. RELOCATION: If the applicant wishes to relocate the use to a new address or <br />tenant suite, the applicant shall secure a new conditional use permit prior to <br />occupying the new building or tenant space. <br /> <br />17. IMPACT FEES: The applicant shall pay the required sewer fees, traffic impact <br />fees, and all other fees the proposed use may be subject to prior to building <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 29EAC2A3-BBC2-4402-AE82-6FACFBF30B5B