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MILITARY EQUIPMENT USE REPORT 2023 <br /> <br />Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’s <br />Equipment Name: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Unmanned Aircra` System (UAS), Drone <br />Quan/ty Owned/Sought: None owned - requested from other agencies. Lifespan: N/A <br />Equipment Capabili/es: The Pleasanton Police Department uses outside agencies UAV’s of varying <br />sizes and capabili'es to enhance public safety. The UAV can be deployed when its view would assist <br />officers or incident commanders with the following situa'ons, which include but are not limited to <br />major collision inves'ga'ons, search for missing persons, natural disaster management, crime scene <br />photography, SWAT, tac'cal or other public safety and life-preserva'on missions, and in response to <br />specific requests from local, state, or federal fire authori'es for fire response and/or preven'on. <br />The UAV's are used in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. <br />Manufacturer Product Descrip/on: The UAVs are requested from other agencies such as the Alameda <br />County Sheriff’s Office. Specific models may vary, and manufacturer descrip'ons are not available. <br />Purpose/Authorized Uses: Remotely operated, non-weaponized drones serve the purpose of assis'ng <br />with interior and exterior searches. These searches may be for suspects, evidence or missing persons. <br />They are also u'lized for crime scene documenta'on. Personnel are authorized to request a UAV <br />when the lawful use may increase safety to officers or would be a more efficient way of searching an <br />area for a missing person or for the documenta'on of a crime scene. <br />Fiscal Impacts: There is currently no cost associated to a mutual aid request for drones. <br />Annual Maintenance: N/A <br />Personnel Cost: N/A <br />Legal/Procedural Rules Governing Use: UAV operators must be licensed and follow FAA rules. All <br />searches with drones must comply with the U.S. Cons'tu'on, state, and case law. The request for <br />a UAV must be approved by a supervisor. <br />Training Required: UAV operators must be licensed by the FAA. No Pleasanton PD personnel are <br />trained to operate UAV’s. All UAV’s are operated by licensed operators provided by the agency <br />providing mutual aid. <br />Other Notes: <br />06