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1 <br /> <br />Responses to City Council Agenda Items – April 16, 2024 <br />Agenda Item #4 - Revisions to Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC) to Enact Updated <br />Commission Structure <br />1. Q. From: Cindi Sabatini, Library Commissioner: The proposed updates for the Library <br />Commission duties were present by Heidi Murphy on March 7 to the Library Commission. <br />The members of the Commission had two concerns with the proposed changes, which are <br />summarized as follows. <br />• Budget - All references to reviewing or advising on the budget have been removed. <br />While we understand that setting the budget is not under the purview of the Library <br />Commission. Without context of the budget, we do not believe that we can make <br />logical, reasonable recommendations regarding programs and services related to the <br />Library. The Commission will basically be operating in the dark, and thus unable to set <br />priorities. Therefore, we ask that item 1 of the commission duties of the the muni code <br />specifically articulate that the adopted budget be reviewed by the Commission. <br />• Seasonal Programs - The wording of item 3 stated that the Commission would review <br />and advise on seasonal program and service plans. Because all programs and services <br />are included, the wording needs to be changed as follows. Review and advise city staff <br />on program and service plans seasonally or Review and advise city staff on program <br />and service plans in line with the Activities Guide cycle. <br />A. Per Commissioner Sabatini’s email, please note that this feedback was incorporated into the <br />updated duties # 1 and 3: <br />The duties of the Pleasanton Library Commission shall include the following: <br />1. Develop a commission workplan to be provided to City Council for consideration during the <br />budget process. The workplan should be based on the goals and strategies outlined in the ONE <br />Pleasanton Strategic Plan as well as the role of the commission. <br />2. Review and recommend policies to the City Council related to library services. Ordinance No. <br />City Council, April 16, 2024 Exhibit A to Ordinance, PMC Amendments, Page 6 <br />3. Seasonally, review the adopted library budget, program and service plans, and key <br />performance indicators. <br />4. Advise the City Council on capital projects related to library facilities. <br />5. As community leaders, receive library related feedback from the community. <br />6. Act as an advocate for library and cultural programs, services and facilities within the <br />community. <br />7. Serve as liaison between the city and other library-related entities including, but not limited <br />to: local municipalities, local nonproflts, Alameda County, state, and national agencies.  <br />Due to the interdepartmental nature of the city budget, commissions have historically been <br />involved with budget through the two -year priority-setting process. With the ONE Pleasanton