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DATE: <br />Exhibit A <br />BID PROPOSAL <br />Annual Curb & Gutter for Street Resurfacing Project <br />Project No. 24509 <br />01/24/2024 <br />Pr po ~ I f Vl llal obos & As sociates (hereinafter <br />c lled ''Bidderu a ____________ rganl d and i ting under the laws <br />f che tate California , d in g bu in Principal t the City of <br />Pleasanton, City Clerk, 123 Main Street, Pleasanton, California (hereinafter called "City"). <br />Ladies and Gentlemen : <br />The Bidder, in compliance with the invitation for bids for the ANNUAL CURB & <br />GUTTER FOR STREET RESURFACING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 24509, City <br />of Pleasanton, having examined the Plans and Specifications and related documents and <br />the premises of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions <br />surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of <br />materials and supplies, declares that this proposal is made without collusion with any <br />other person ) firm or corporation and agrees to construct the project in accordance with <br />the contract documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated below . <br />These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the <br />Contract Documents, of which this Bid Proposal is a part. <br />hall agr \ rk un rrhis Contract within fifteen ( 15) cal n ar days <br />da • ftte t Pr c ed" and fully complete the project i-thin 70 <br />w rkin 1 d • ft r k"irt rk . h pr 1e t is anticipated to be awarded on February 20, <br />2024, and NTP to be issued on March I 5, 2024. Bidder shall pay as liquidated damages in <br />the sum of $1,S00.00 per calendar day should the successful Bidder fail to complete the <br />work within this time limit unless the successful Bidder is granted a time extension . <br />Annual Curb & Gutter for Street Resurfacing Project. CIP No.24509 Page 5-ADD l <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: DA631F0B-3C25-4585-9688-3F2684907C15