Mini-Grant#:23-03 Bio-Link Depot,Inc.,Increased Support for
<br /> Hands-On STEM Education in Underserved Schools within 2023 Funding Expenditures
<br /> Altamont EAB Region,Oakland,West County,$4,000.00-Funds
<br /> will be used to support the first portion of one of the Open House Total Expenditures for 2023 were as follows:
<br /> events,to be reserved solely for Title 1 schools and Community Board Communications,website $5,000.00
<br /> Colleges within Alameda County,as well as the city of San Ramon.
<br /> Mini-Grants $69,900.00
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-04 Omni Commons Community Collective,Re- Project Grants $276,450.00
<br /> use and Repair for Alameda County,Oakland,West County, Multi-Year Grants $61,075.00
<br /> $4,000.00-Funds will be used to hold regular repair and reuse events Board Initiated Project Grants $0,000.00
<br /> (also known as"Fixit Clinics")that will leverage the workspace,tools, ALARM mitigation projects $0,000.00
<br /> and expertise already at Omni Commons and make those available to
<br /> Alameda County residents to aid in repair of anything that is broken. Staff Support $30,000.00
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-05 Ecology Center,Plastic Free July 2023, Fund management&support $30,000.00
<br /> Berkeley,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to develop Total 2023 Expenditures $472,425.00
<br /> and facilitate Ecology Center's 2023 Plastic Free July Series of events
<br /> and activities that are held to raise awareness about the impacts of the
<br /> plastics crisis and to encourage action towards a circular economy.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-06 Ecology Center,Ecology Center EcoStore
<br /> Pilot Refill Program,Berkeley,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to aid in the leverage of the Ecology Center's existing
<br /> network and infrastructure to bring awareness to refill and reuse systems and demonstrate an investment in local reuse models,
<br /> through the introduction of a bulk refill service.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-07 KIDS for the BAY,Blue Watershed Classrooms Program,Berkeley,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will
<br /> be used to fund the Blue Watershed Classrooms teacher follow-up support program(BWC)for under-resourced elementary school
<br /> students in low-income areas.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-08 Fixit Clinic,Fixing at Grimmer STEAM Club,Berkeley,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to
<br /> teach and oversee repair with Grimmer Elementary School students during club meetings to teach repair and maintenance skills to
<br /> students.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-09 Fixit Clinic,Converting Chromebooks,Berkeley,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to teach
<br /> Alameda County students and residents how to modify and update Chromebooks so that they can be diverted from a-waste and kept in
<br /> the communities as functioning laptops.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-10 Cecelia Mosher-Clark,Fashioning the Future,Oakland,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to
<br /> facilitate opportunities for people of all ages to train,experience and acquire many different skills needed in the soft goods
<br /> manufacturing industry by providing hands-on experience for the use and value of recycled materials,the care and refurbishing of
<br /> sewing machines and production processes.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-11,Marshall Elementary School Garden Revitalization,Castro Valley,East County,$4,000.00-
<br /> Funds will be used to rebuild the garden planters using reclaimed redwood which will last for many years;will also repave the entry to
<br /> the garden and provide ADA accessible path to the raised ADA planter for students with mobility challenges;composting bins will
<br /> also be made for both composting and a dedicated worm compost bin.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-12 Goodwill of San Francisco Bay,Counterfeit art at the intersection of education,sustainability and
<br /> workforce development,Oakland,West County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to bolster staff training in Alameda County on how
<br /> to identify counterfeit goods;create an art piece with counterfeit goods;educate Alameda County community members about why
<br /> counterfeit goods are problematic.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-13,Castro Valley-Sustainable Gardening Series,Castro Valley,East County,$4,000.00-Funds
<br /> will be used to host 4 public events,aligned with the seasons,that will engage residents in Castro Valley community and its surrounds
<br /> to learn about sustainability practice related to home gardening and 4 public events,aligned with the seasons,that
<br /> will engage residents in Castro Valley community and its surrounds to learn about sustainability practice related to home gardening
<br /> and permaculture.
<br /> Mini-Grant#:23-14 Tri-Valley Haven for Women,Print wrap for food pantry vehicle and food pantry related signage,
<br /> Livermore,East County,$4,000.00-Funds will be used to wrap the Food Pantry truck and for signage that will be used to promote
<br /> the pantry.
<br />