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diver s e expe rtis e of all m em ber s . <br />P r o vis ion fo r an Expe ns e B udget:To e nr ich our lea r ning and <br />engagement,we reques t a m odes t budget fo r field tr ips to exter nal <br />s ites of envir onmental inter es t a nd for the pr o vis ion of s nacks and <br />bever ages dur ing our me etings .Thes e r es o ur ces would not o nly <br />facilita te hands -on lear ning and explor ation but als o fos ter a m ore <br />co llabor ative and welco ming envir o nm ent for our me mber s . <br />The tr ans for matio n fr om a C om m itte e to a Comm is s ion mar ks a <br />s ignificant m iles to ne in our city's co mmitment to e nvir onmental <br />s tewar ds hip.B y incor por ating the s e pr o pos als ,we can ens ur e the <br />C om m is s ion is well-pos itioned to exceed our com m unity's <br />e xpectations ,cr eating a le gacy o f s us tainability for P lea s anton. <br />Thank you fo r cons ider ing thes e enhancem ents and for your <br />co ntinued de dicatio n to our envir o nm ent.I am excited abo ut the <br />po te ntial for o ur co llective effor ts to make a la s ting pos itive impa ct <br />on our be loved city.