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PUD-148, 2207 Martin Ave. Planning Commission <br />3 of 14 <br />lack of existing development standards for the subject parcel, including for both accessory <br />structures and sports courts, in response, staff directed the applicant/property owners to speak <br />with the adjacent neighbors regarding their proposal to identify any potential concerns with their <br />proposal, specifically if any structures (such as fencing and lighting) exceeding approximately <br />10 feet in height would be objectionable in the proposed sports court location. The <br />applicant/property owners were also informed any structures associated with the proposed <br />sports court above approximately 10 feet in height would require Planning approval and building <br />permits. <br />In December 2022, the City’s Code Enforcement staff received a complaint regarding posts that <br />had been erected around the sports court without permits or approvals. Upon their inspection <br />several posts approximately 10 feet in height had been erected around the perimeter of the <br />existing sports court. Code Enforcement staff contacted and directed the applicant/property <br />owners to stop all work and contact the Planning Division for direction. <br />The Planning Division determined the appropriate course of action would be to require the <br />applicant/property owners to apply for a PUD development plan that would establish <br />development standards for the subject parcel and allow staff to provide specific guidance for any <br />future development on the subject parcel, including determining conformance with the proposed <br />development standards with regard to the existing sports court . <br />SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTION <br />The subject property is a flat, approximately 1.67-acre site located between Martin Avenue and <br />Dennis Drive and is developed with an approximately 4,173-square-foot two-story, <br />single-family residence with an attached garage built in 1977 (see Figure 1). There are several <br />mature trees clustered in the center of the lot with established landscaping surrounding the <br />existing residence. Single-family residences are located north, south, and west and Alameda <br />Flood Control property is located east, across Martin Avenue, of the subject site (see Figures 2 <br />and 3). Existing houses in the area are both one- and two-story and sited appropriately with <br />their respective lot size. On adjacent parcels, the nearest structures are setback approximately <br />5 feet from the property line (property to the north and south). Additionally, the general area is <br />zoned Planned Unit Development-Low Density Residential (see Figure 6). <br />Page 48 of 201