<br /> Estimated Changes in Fund Balances,FY 2022/23
<br /> FY 23 Beginning FY23 Actual FY 23 Actu a I Estimated Year- Recommended Recommended
<br /> Balance Revenue Expenses End Fund Revenue Expenditure Revised YE Fund
<br /> Fund Fund Description Balance Carryforward Carryforward Balance
<br /> 160 Gas Tax 4,954,061 3,829,971 2,608,804 6,175,228 - 4,970,720 1,204,507
<br /> 162 Miscellaneous CIP Grants (300,142) 227,147 227,147 (300,142) 6,317,000 6,317,000 (300,142)
<br /> 163 Measure B Bike&Pedestrian 1,020,319 11,305 475,197 556,427 - 379,945 176,482
<br /> 164 Measure B-Streets/ACTC 940,110 4,413 884,145 60,379 66,033 (5,655)
<br /> 165 Measure BB Bike&Pedestrian 1,488,682 554,783 - 2,043,465 1,609,697 433,768
<br /> 166 Measure F 460,696 363,562 350,178 474,080 349,822 124,258
<br /> 167 Specific Plans 867,004 41,349 32,904 875,449 133,902 741,547
<br /> 170 Measure BB-Streets/Roads 1,436,567 1,968,821 830,421 2,574,968 - 1,629,401 945,567
<br /> 172 Transportation Development Grant 20,163 125,119 (104,956) 350,000 78,255 166,789
<br /> 173 1DEDZ Transportation Fee 552,497 460,021 - 1,012,518 - - 1,012,518
<br /> 201 Miscellaneous CIP-Gen 27,041,093 7,656,316 5,670,333 29,027,075 20,346,170 8,680,905
<br /> 202 Downtown&North Pleas CIP 3,326,951 121,893 131,250 3,317,594 790,525 2,527,069
<br /> 203 Capital Facilities Impact Fees 847,274 436,528 524,901 758,902 5,934,231 2,239,782 4,453,351
<br /> 204 Misc Developer Contributions 274,669 317,628 - 592,297 - 592,297
<br /> 211 Street CIP-Gen 10,568,822 193,922 1,019,589 9,743,156 7,348,580 2,394,576
<br /> 212 Traffic Impact Fees 9,794,622 1,064,411 316,567 10,542,466 9,943,079 599,388
<br /> 214 Trivalley Transportation 2,213,899 94,826 - 2,308,725 1,852,517 456,207
<br /> 215 Streets Developer Contribution 6,901,882 98,415 4,297 6,996,000 6,735,619 260,381
<br /> 216 NPID 182-4 1,222,162 13,744 33,624 1,202,283 1,197,475 4,808
<br /> 221 Park CIP-Gen 971,569 1,690,146 271,549 2,390,166 1,472,578 917,588
<br /> 222 Park Development Impact Fees 10,186,486 115,038 553,745 9,747,779 8,372,422 1,375,357
<br /> 223 Parks Developer Contributions 329,519 3,735 440 332,813 - 332,813
<br /> 241 Sewer Developer Contributions 42,155 478 - 42,633 - 42,633
<br /> 421 lWater Replacement CIP 7,362,324 488,537 1,696,885 6,153,976 2,058,013 4,095,963
<br /> 422 Water Connection Fees 4,048,574 156,276 73,534 4,131,316 5,768 4,125,548
<br /> 426 Recycled Water CIP 2,004,554 683,129 116,581 2,571,102 953,549 1,617,553
<br /> 431 Sewer Replacement CIP 12,508,504 971,231 1,604,058 11,875,677 2,845,791 9,029,886
<br /> 432 Sewer Connection Fees 3,134,438 113,577 78,661 3,169,354 114,790 3,054,564
<br /> 441 Storm Drain Replacement/Renov 1,243,725 1,515,084 475,191 2,283,618 - 1,810,578 473,040
<br /> Total* $ 115,443,017 $ 23,216,449 $ 18,105,120 $ 120,554,346 $ 12,601,231 $ 83,622,012 $ 49,533,566
<br /> *Please note there are two capital projects funded in non-capital funds. The remaining budget for these two projects,totaling$450,924,is recommended to be carried forward.
<br /> Fund Project Carryforward Amount
<br /> 129 COP Urban Forest Master Plan $ 330,645
<br /> 518 Annual Playground Renovations 120,280
<br /> Subtotal Carryforward 450,924
<br /> Total Carryforward from table above 83,622,012
<br /> Adjusted Expenditure Carryforward $ 84,072,936
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