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Pacific Library Partnership <br /> Allowable Costs <br /> Funds awarded may be used for goods or services related to the project or for staff time. No <br /> more than 25% of the total amount awarded may be used for staffing costs. Indirect costs are <br /> not allowed. <br /> Category A: PLP Innovation and Technology Opportunity Grant Program <br /> Funds will be available to implement an idea, program or vision that provides a new service <br /> model or brings a fresh idea or interpretation to an existing model of library service. Reviewers <br /> will be asked to evaluate applications based on these criteria: <br /> 1. Service that introduces a new idea, program or vision that is not currently used in <br /> PLP or surrounding libraries <br /> 2. Service that may benefit other PLP members <br /> 3. Service that may benefit other California libraries <br /> Category B: PLP Grant Replication Program <br /> There have been a significant number of very successful grants that can easily be replicated in <br /> another jurisdiction. All the previously funded grants are posted on the PLP website at <br /> and applicants are encouraged to review the past successful awardees. To view the <br /> previous grants, click here: <br /> Reviewers will be asked to evaluate applications based on these criteria: <br /> 1. Clear articulation of how the grant will be replicated. <br /> 2. Rationale for any changes or enhancements to the original grant application. It is <br /> expected that the grant funding request will not exceed the amount of the original <br /> grant. If it does exceed the original amount, a compelling case should be made for <br /> the increase in funding. <br /> 3. Demonstrated understanding of the concept, success and "lessons learned" from <br /> the original grant and documentation of any follow-up with the original awardee. <br /> Review Panel <br /> The PLP CEO will recruit a three-person panel from outside of PLP to review funding <br /> applications and provide feedback on the proposals. <br /> Timeline <br /> Grant applications are due on Friday, September 1, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. <br /> Note: Successful awardees will be asked to complete an evaluation/survey process at the <br /> conclusion of the grant cycle and must be willing to share their experience with other PLP <br /> libraries at appropriate meetings and conferences. <br /> Adopted June 21, 2022 by PLP Executive Committee <br /> 32 West 25th Avenue,Suite 201 1 San Mateo,CA 94403-2265 1 P:(650)349-5538 I F:(650)349-5089 I <br />