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P23-0556, 1024 Serpentine Lane Planning Commission <br />5 of 6 <br />Based on the above parking analysis and recommended conditions of approval, staff believes <br />the proposed religious facility would not adversely affect parking supply at the subject site or <br />surrounding properties and adequate parking exists on -site to accommodate all existing and <br />proposed uses. However, should parking problems occur, staff has included a condition of <br />approval which allows the Director of Community Development to refer the use permit back to <br />the Planning Commission for possible additional mitigation measures to be applied (Exhibit A). <br />Possible mitigating conditions could include reducing the number of congregants and/or <br />modifying the planned activities schedule to reduce conflicts with other on-site uses and <br />parking demand. <br /> <br />Noise <br />The PMC states a proposed conditional use must be in accordance with the objectives of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. One of those objectives is to “promote the stability of existing land uses that <br />conform with the General Plan and to protect them from inharmonious influences a nd harmful <br />intrusions.” Staff anticipates the proposed religious facility would generate interior noise levels <br />comparable to and no different from those of an office or light industrial use. All planned <br />activities would be held indoors, with the exterior doors closed during operating hours. <br />According to the applicant, there would be some amplified speech/music kept under 60 <br />decibels, but this would be utilized in a limited fashion. To further minimize any potential noise <br />impacts, staff is recommending the following conditions of approval: <br /> <br />• All exterior doors must remain closed at all times during operating hours; <br />• Congregants shall not loiter outside of the building and shall be courteous and quiet when <br />entering or leaving the parking area; and <br />• The City shall have the right to review the project again to add mitigating conditions should <br />any future complaints regarding noise levels occur. Such conditions could include <br />modifying the hours of operation, reducing the number of persons allowed in the tenant <br />space, and/or requiring sound/noise attenuation to be installed within the subject tenant <br />space. <br />The PMC establishes a noise limit of 75 dBA for the Industrial District . With the inclusion of the <br />recommended conditions above, staff believes it is unlikely the noise produced by the <br />proposed religious facility would adversely affect existing or future adjacent/nearby uses or <br />exceed the noise threshold. <br /> <br />ALTERNATIVES <br />As articulated above, staff believes the religious facility, as proposed and conditioned, is <br />consistent with the objectives of the zoning district. However, alternatives to the proposal that <br />could be considered by the Planning Commission include: <br /> <br />1. Denial of the application. Such an action would preclude the applicant from occupying <br />the subject site and conducting the specified activities; or <br /> <br />2. Approval of the CUP with modifications. The Planning Commission could approve the <br />CUP, but with fewer congregants and/or planned activities, with modified hours of <br />operation, or other changes to the proposal. <br />