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Phase 2- Program Operations Addendum: <br /> Phase 3- Data Collection: <br /> 1. Prepare and submit grant claim invoices (due January 30,April 30, July 30, and October 30) <br /> 2. Prepare and submit Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR) (due January 30,April 30, July 30, and October <br /> 30) <br /> • Collect and report quarterly, appropriate data that supports the progress of goals and objectives. <br /> • Provide a brief list of activity conducted, procurement of grant-funded items, and significant media <br /> activities. Include status of grant-funded personnel, status of contracts, challenges, or special <br /> accomplishments. <br /> • Provide a brief summary of quarterly accomplishments and explanations for objectives not completed or <br /> plans for upcoming activities. <br /> • Collect, analyze and report statistical data relating to the grant goals and objectives. <br /> Phase 3- Data Collection Addendum: <br /> Budget <br /> Personnel Costs <br /> Hourly Rates-When requesting hours for personnel, enter them as straight time or overtime(for Enforcement <br /> Overtime, please use section below)and include the amount of hours that they will spend on grant operations. <br /> Example: Personnel getting paid 100% by the grant working a full year at$41.00 per hour would be entered as Straight <br /> time, 2080 Units, $41.00 Unit cost or Rate, and 100% Percent Paid by Grant. This gives a total of$85,280.00 for the <br /> year. <br /> Benefits—If requesting benefits for personnel, enter all benefits as a separate line item for each. Start the Item Name <br /> with the word 'Benefits', enter the corresponding straight time or overtime total amount in the Unit Cost or Rate, and <br /> enter the Benefits Rate to have the system calculate Benefit Costs. (Unit Cost)X(Benefits Rate)= Benefit Costs. To <br /> properly relate benefits to the correct personnel line item use the Display Order field, for example use 100.0 for Display <br /> Order for the personnel line item and 100.1 for Display Order for the associated Benefits. <br />