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5.3.2.CUSTOMER IMPACTS <br /> Figure 5-1 through Figure 5-3 show the bill impacts at Stage 2 drought for Single Family, Multi-Family, and <br /> Commercial customers, respectively. Each graph shows bills using the most common meter size and the median <br /> usage for that customer class. <br /> The figures show the impacts in each stage based on the components of the customer bill, which includes the fixed <br /> charge by meter size, the commodity charge per ccf of use, and the drought charge per ccf of use. The fixed charge <br /> by meter size does not change based on drought stages or water usage. The three stacked bars in each figure show <br /> the difference between the baseline scenario (no drought), the drought scenario with commensurate reduction in <br /> water use(meaning the customer reduces their water based on the declared drought stage), and the drought <br /> scenario without reduction in water use(meaning the customer does not reduce their water use even when a <br /> drought stage has been declared). <br /> The figures demonstrate that when the City's customers comply with the recommended water usage reductions as <br /> defined by the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, the customer's water bill during a drought will not exceed their <br /> baseline water bill. However, if customers do not comply with the recommended water usage reductions, then the <br /> impact to their water bill can be significant. <br /> Figure 5-1: Single Family Residential Bill Impacts <br /> SFR Bill Impacts(5/8 inch meter, 20 ccf, Stage 2) <br /> $160 <br /> 0 $147.70 <br /> $131.70 $119.34 <br /> $100 <br /> $60 <br /> $40 <br /> $20 <br /> $0 Proposed Bill No Proposed Bill Stage Proposed Bill Stage <br /> Drought - 20 ccf 2 - 20% Reduction 2 - No Reduction <br /> • Base Fixed Charge $21.90 $21.90 521.90 <br /> ■Base Commodity Charge $109.80 $87.84 $109.80 <br /> ■ Drought Charge $0.00 $9.60 $16.00 <br /> Total Bill $131.70 S119.34 $147.70 <br />