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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 8 <br />reference material, draft documents, etc.), meeting notices and materials, and City contact <br />information. Any person could sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming meetings <br />and documents; over 420 persons are on the distribution list and receive notifications of upcoming <br />meetings and project updates. Notifications had language stating that the project website was <br />translatable Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi. The City also offers translation and interpretive services <br />upon request. <br />Additional Outreach Media <br />In addition to the project website and notification emails described above, the City advertised the <br />Housing Element project and engagement opportunities in the Pleasanton Weekly, to the <br />Chamber of Commerce and other business groups including East Bay realtors, the Pleasanton <br />Progress newsletter (quarterly, mailed to all residents), and via posters at the Farmer’s Market <br />and A-frame signs in downtown Pleasanton. The City also promoted engagement and input on <br />the Housing Element in the City weekly e-newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor through <br />City accounts, as well as through direct outreach to community-serving organizations and other <br />City Departments who manage various programs targeted to the public. <br />Online Survey <br />Early in the update process, the City offered an online survey via SurveyMonkey to gather <br />feedback from the community on their housing preferences, needs, and future housing <br />opportunities. The survey was active for 56 days from June 22, 2021 through August 16, 2021, <br />and was accessible through the project webpage, as well as the City’s website <br />( Notice of the survey was sent three times to subscribers <br />of the email list as well as through the additional outreach media described above. The survey <br />generated 622 responses from residents, property owners, business owners, and visitors of <br />Pleasanton. Findings from this survey are found in Appendix E and are also summarized in "Key <br />Engagement Themes” below. A subsequent survey more focused on Fair Housing issues was <br />distributed in April 2022 through a variety of channels including email, at public events, and <br />through paper copies. 293 additional responses to this survey were received, as documented in <br />Appendix F. <br />