<br /> Immediately—The ability to occupy Leased Premises Non-Movement Area—Those portions of the Airport
<br /> and offer products, services, and/or facilities (to the where aircraft taxi or are moved without radio contact
<br /> public) on the effective date of the Agreement. When with ATC or other aircraft.
<br /> construction and/or alteration of facilities are involved, Operator — An entity that has entered into an
<br /> immediately shall mean the ability to obtain a Agreement with the City to engage in Commercial
<br /> certificate of occupancy from the authorizing Agency
<br /> Aeronautical Activities at the Airport.
<br /> for the proposed facilities within 18 months following
<br /> the possession of the Leased Premises. Paved—Covered with asphalt or concrete that forms a
<br /> firm level surface.
<br /> Improvements — All buildings, structures, additions,
<br /> and facilities including pavement, fencing, and Property—Any tangible or intangible possession that is
<br /> landscaping constructed,installed,or placed on,under, owned by an entity or a person.
<br /> or above any land on the Airport. Ramp —Those paved areas of the Airport within the
<br /> Legal Requirements — All applicable federal, state, AOA designated by the City for parking, loading,
<br /> City, and local laws, codes, ordinances, executive unloading,fueling,or servicing of aircraft.
<br /> orders,policies,and regulations. Refueling Vehicle—Any vehicle used for transporting,
<br /> Leased Premises—The land and/or Improvements used handling,or dispensing of fuels and lubricants.
<br /> exclusively under Agreement by a Tenant. Runway — An area of the Airport developed and
<br /> Lessee—An entity that has entered into an Agreement improved for the purpose of accommodating the
<br /> to occupy, use, and/or develop land and/or landing and takeoff of aircraft.
<br /> Improvements. Specialized Aviation Service Operator (SASO) — A
<br /> Master Plan—An assembly of documents and drawings Commercial Operator that provides any one or a
<br /> (which have been approved by the FAA and adopted by combination of the following Activities: Aircraft
<br /> the City)covering the development of the Airport from Maintenance, avionics or instrument maintenance,
<br /> a physical,economic,social,and political jurisdictional aircraft rental or flight training, aircraft charter or
<br /> perspective. The Airport Layout Plan is part of the aircraft management, aircraft sales, and other
<br /> Master Plan. Commercial Aeronautical Activities.
<br /> Minimum Standards — Primary Management and Sublease—An agreement entered into by an entity with
<br /> Compliance Document that sets forth those an Operator or Lessee that transfers rights or interests
<br /> qualifications, standards, and criteria set forth as the in the Operator's or Lessee's Leased Premises and for
<br /> minimum requirements to be met as a condition for the which,the City has given proper consent.
<br /> right to engage in Activities at the Airport,as may be Sublessee—An entity that has entered into a Sublease
<br /> amended from time to time. with an Operator or Lessee who is authorized (by the
<br /> Movement Area—The Runways,Taxiways,and other City)to engage in Commercial Aeronautical Activities
<br /> areas of the Airport which are utilized for taxiing,hover at the Airport.
<br /> taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft (exclusive of Taxilane — The portion of the Ramp used for access
<br /> aircraft parking, loading, unloading, fueling, and between Taxiways and Ramps. Taxilanes are always
<br /> servicing areas) where aircraft are moved with radio outside the Movement Area and differentiated from a
<br /> contact with ATC or other aircraft. The Movement Taxiway by the required Object Free Area
<br /> Area includes all areas under the direct and positive requirements stipulated by the FAA.
<br /> control of ATC. Specific approval for entry onto the
<br /> movement area must be obtained from ATC.
<br /> Non-Commercial — Not for the purpose of securing
<br /> earnings, income, Compensation (including exchange
<br /> or barter of goods and services),and/or profit.
<br /> Leasing and Development Policy 32
<br /> City of Livermore, Livermore Municipal Airport
<br />