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Brian Dolan <>; Matthew Nelson <manelson(a)>; <br />; Samu Tiumalu <stiumalu(a)>; Cedric Novenano <br /> <cnovenario(�cityofpleasa> <br /> Subject: Re: RE: follow up evidence : Plans for narrowing of Las positas and the severe problems with it <br /> Thanks Mike. This helps <br /> Also the proposed design has a plan to reduce one lane from W Las Positas feeding to Fairlands Dr intersection. This is <br /> after exiting Fairlands school and taking right turn. <br /> Like I mentioned we have lot of parents in cars with their with kids exiting-and presume that is also not narrowed as it's in <br /> Meadows neighborhood.? <br /> Please find attached recent picture just off Fairlands Dr and Las Positas. <br /> The plan wants to remove car lane next to kerb/sidewalk in the picture , when there is already a substantial traffic jam . <br /> This is a recent picture after your crosswalk implementation mentioned below. <br /> Thanks <br /> Sachin <br /> Sent from myMail for Android <br /> Wednesday, 06 November 2019, 03:14AM +05:30 from Mike Tassano MTassano(a) <br /> Sachin, �► <br /> Thank you for continuing to provide input on the West Las Positas Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project. It is with <br /> the public's continued input that we will be able to deliver a project that meets the needs of the residents. I believe we <br /> spoke at the public meeting last month. I was hoping that the meeting would clear up some of the misconceptions <br /> regarding "lane removal." <br /> We are not proposing lane removal in the area in which your pictures show congestion. The westbound travel lanes <br /> (shown in your picture) on West Las Positas approaching Santa Rita Road will remain as they are currently configured. <br /> One of the design alternatives does show a conversion of a through lane to a right turn lane, but we are not proposing <br /> that design and will be retaining the 2 through lanes. <br /> Eastbound West Las Positas approaching Santa Rita is still under review for the conversion of one of the through lanes <br /> to a right turn lane. Currently the eastbound direction has a 2 lane design (which exists for about 100 feet beyond the <br /> intersection then drops to a single lane just prior to Fairlands Drive). The volume using the eastbound through lanes is <br /> low and it appears enough time can be allocated to the EB movement to accommodate a single lane design. We are <br /> reviewing the operational aspects of this change which includes the video capture of existing traffic volumes. <br /> Your email had a suggestion to place a crosswalk on the north side of the Santa Rita at West Las Positas intersection, <br /> while your information is correct that the crosswalk was there in the past. it was the VERY distant past, as it hasn't been <br /> there for over 20 years. But we are exploring the option of returning the crosswalk. The crosswalk conflicts with one of <br /> 4 <br />