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20 <br /> Assessment <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton City Council directed the undersigned Engineer of <br /> Work to prepare and file a report presenting an estimate of costs, a diagram for the <br /> Maintenance District, and an assessment of the estimated costs of the Improvements <br /> upon all assessable parcels within the Maintenance District; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, by virtue of the power vested in me under the <br /> Act, Article XIIID of the California Constitution, and the order of the City Council of the <br /> City of Pleasanton, hereby makes the following assessment to cover the portion of the <br /> estimated cost of the Improvements, and the costs and expenses incidental thereto to <br /> be paid by the Maintenance District. <br /> The amount to be paid for said Improvements and the expense incidental thereto, to be <br /> paid by the Maintenance District for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 is generally as follows: <br /> Figure 2 — Summary Cost Estimate — Bonde Ranch LMD No. 1993-2 <br /> Budget Item Budgeted <br /> Cost <br /> Installation, Maintenance, and Servicing Costs $34,249.73 <br /> Incidental and Administration Costs $2,239.62 <br /> Amount to/(from) Reserve Fund ($10,000.00) <br /> Total Budget $26,489.35 <br /> As required by the Act, an Assessment Diagram showing the exterior boundaries of the <br /> Maintenance District is hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference. The <br /> distinctive number of each parcel or lot of land in the Maintenance District is its <br /> Assessor Parcel Number appearing on the Assessment Roll. <br /> I do hereby assess and apportion the net amount of the cost and expenses of the <br /> Improvements, including the costs and expenses incident thereto, upon the parcels and <br /> lots of land within the Maintenance District, in accordance with the special benefits to be <br /> received by each parcel or lot, from the Improvements, and more particularly set forth in <br /> the Estimate of Cost and Method of Assessment in the Report. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />