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RES 231390
City of Pleasanton
RES 231390
Entry Properties
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6/5/2023 9:20:56 AM
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6/5/2023 9:20:46 AM
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17 <br /> Consequently, since all parcels in the Maintenance District have good access and <br /> proximity to the Improvements and the benefits of relatively closer proximity are offset <br /> by other factors, additional proximity is not considered to be a factor in determining <br /> benefits within the Maintenance District. Therefore, zones of benefit are not justified or <br /> needed within the Maintenance District. <br /> Method of Assessment <br /> As previously discussed, the Assessments provide comprehensive Improvements that <br /> clearly confer direct and special benefits to properties in the Maintenance District. <br /> The allocation of special benefits to property is primarily based on the type of property <br /> and the size of a property. These benefits can also partially be measured by the <br /> occupants on property in the Maintenance District because such parcel population <br /> density is a measure of the relative benefit a parcel receives from the Improvements. It <br /> should be noted that many other types of"traditional" assessments also use parcel <br /> population densities to apportion the assessments. For example, the assessments for <br /> sewer systems, roads and water systems are typically allocated based on the <br /> population density of the parcels assessed. Therefore, the apportionment of benefits is <br /> reasonably based on the type of parcel, the size of parcels and the population density of <br /> parcels. <br /> A critical step in apportioning assessments is to determine the relative special benefit <br /> for each property. This process involves determining the relative benefit received by <br /> each property in relation to a single-family home, or, in other words, on the basis of <br /> Single-Family Equivalent (SFE) units. This SFE methodology is commonly used to <br /> distribute assessments in proportion to estimated special benefits and is generally <br /> recognized as providing the basis for a fair and appropriate distribution of assessments. <br /> For the purposes of this Engineer's Report, all properties are designated an SFE value, <br /> which is each property's relative benefit in relation to a single-family home on one <br /> parcel. In this case, the "benchmark" property is the single-family detached dwelling <br /> which is one Single Family Equivalent unit or one SFE. <br /> Finally, the special benefits to be derived from the Assessments will be conferred on a <br /> property and are not based on a specific property owner's use of the Improvements, a <br /> specific property owner's occupancy of a property, or the property owner's demographic <br /> status such as age or the number of dependents. The benefits allotted to a property are <br /> related to the average number of people who could potentially live on, work at, or <br /> otherwise could occupy a property, not how the property is currently used by the <br /> present owner. Therefore, the number of people who could, or potentially, live on, work <br /> at, or otherwise occupy a property is one indicator of the relative level of benefit <br /> received by a property. <br /> In conclusion, the Assessment Engineer determined that the appropriate method of <br /> assessment apportionment should be based on the type of property, the relative size of <br /> the property, its location, its relative population, and its proximity to the landscaping and <br /> open space facilities. This method is further described below. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />
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