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13 <br /> parcel creation. Since these adjacent properties only receive a 3 of the 5 major <br /> special benefits, a 60% factor is applied. <br /> Total General Benefit to Properties Outside of the District = 3.3% <br /> Assumptions <br /> 6 parcels outside and adjacent to the District <br /> 103 parcels in the Maintenance District <br /> Calculation <br /> General Benefit to Property outside the Improvement District = <br /> (6 / (6 + 103)) * 60% = 3.3 % <br /> Although it can reasonably be argued that Improvements inside, but near the <br /> Maintenance District boundaries are offset by similar landscape improvements <br /> provided outside, we use the more generous approach of finding that 3.3% of the <br /> Improvements may be of benefit to property outside of the Maintenance District. <br /> Benefit to Property Inside the District that is Indirect and Derivative = 0.0% <br /> The "indirect and derivative" benefit to property within the Maintenance District is <br /> particularly difficult to calculate. A solid argument can be presented that all <br /> benefit within the Maintenance District is special because the Improvements are <br /> clearly "over and above" and "particular and distinct" when compared with the <br /> unique proximity, access and views of the Improvements enjoyed by benefiting <br /> properties in the Maintenance District. <br /> Nevertheless, the SVTA decision indicates that there may be a general benefit <br /> "conferred on real property located in the district." A measure of the general <br /> benefits to property within the Maintenance District is the percentage of land area <br /> within the Maintenance District that is publicly owned, open to the public, and <br /> used for regional purposes such as major roads, rail lines, hospitals, and other <br /> regional facilities because such properties, while physically within the <br /> Maintenance District, are used for regional purposes and could provide indirect <br /> benefits to the public at large. In this case, essentially 0% of the land area is <br /> used for such regional purposes. <br /> Benefit to the Public at Large = 10% <br /> The general benefit to the public at large can be estimated by the proportionate <br /> amount of time that the Maintenance District's public landscaped areas and <br /> facilities are used and enjoyed by individuals who are not residents, employees, <br /> customers, or property owners in the Assessment Area. Based on surveys and <br /> research in which visitors to similar landscape, open space and parks, at various <br /> times of the day, evening, and week, were asked to look at a District map and to <br /> identify whether they lived or worked within the City, less than 5% of the use of <br /> similar landscape, open space, parks or recreation areas is by the public at large. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />