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9 <br /> Method of Assessment Apportionment <br /> Method of Apportionment <br /> This section of the Engineer's Report includes an explanation of the benefits to be <br /> derived from the installation, maintenance and servicing of Improvements and <br /> landscaping for the Maintenance District and the methodology used to apportion the <br /> total assessment to the properties within the Maintenance District. <br /> The method used for apportioning the assessment is based upon the relative special <br /> benefits to be derived by the properties in the Maintenance District over and above <br /> general benefits conferred on real property or to the public at large. The assessment is <br /> apportioned to lots and parcels in proportion to the relative cost of the special benefits <br /> from the Improvements. Special benefit is calculated for each parcel in the Maintenance <br /> District using the following process: <br /> i. Identification of all benefit factors derived from the Improvements. <br /> ii. Calculation of the proportion of these benefits that are general. <br /> iii. Determination of the relative special benefit per property type. <br /> iv. Calculation of the specific assessment for each parcel based upon special vs. <br /> general benefit, location, property type, property characteristics, improvements <br /> on property and other supporting attributes. <br /> The parcels within the Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch, <br /> consist of all Assessor Parcels within the boundaries as defined by the Assessment <br /> Diagram included within this Report and the Assessor Parcel Numbers listed within the <br /> included Assessment Roll. The method used for apportioning the assessments is based <br /> upon the proportional special benefits to be derived by the properties in the <br /> Maintenance District, over and above general benefits conferred on real property or to <br /> the public at large. The apportionment of special benefits is a two-step process: the first <br /> step is to identify the types of special benefits arising from the Improvements, and the <br /> second step is to allocate the assessments to properties based on the estimated <br /> relative special benefit for each type of property. <br /> Discussion of Benefits <br /> The assessments can only be levied based on the special benefit to a property. This <br /> benefit is received by a property over and above any general benefits. With reference to <br /> the requirements for assessments, Section 22573 of the Landscaping and Lighting Act <br /> of 1972 states: <br /> "The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may <br /> be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount <br /> among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be <br /> received by each such lot or parcel from the Improvements." <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />