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z <br /> areas, including water costs, county assessment fees, city administration fees, <br /> replacement of plantings, irrigation systems, and other district improvements. The <br /> Engineer's Report projects a shortage that will require the City to reduce landscape <br /> maintenance and water use so that maintenance costs remain below assessments. <br /> City staff began the process of potentially increasing the assessments for the Windsor <br /> Landscape Maintenance District in 2022 through a Proposition 218 compliant voting <br /> procedure. However, the property owners that attended the neighborhood outreach <br /> meeting on February 2, 2022 voiced their desire that the City undertake more significant <br /> outreach to discuss increasing the assessment prior to taking the decision to vote. Staff <br /> set up a meeting with the Windsor neighborhood again on October 18, 2022 to discuss <br /> the assessments. A notification was sent via mail to all property owners and the HOA <br /> manager notified the residents of the meeting via email. About ten residents attended <br /> the meeting to discuss the need for and process for a vote to increase the assessment. <br /> The residents expressed an interest in having more control on how the money is spent <br /> and requested that the City provide additional information to them regarding the <br /> formation of the Windsor Landscape Maintenance District. <br /> On November 3, staff sent an email to the Windsor HOA property manager that defined <br /> the maintenance responsibilities associated with the development and included the <br /> formation documents for the development. After receiving the formation documents, the <br /> HOA Board expressed their interest in partially taking over the maintenance <br /> responsibilities of the LIVID rather than taking the assessment increase to a vote by the <br /> homeowners. Staff worked with the HOA Board President to determine what that shared <br /> maintenance would look like. On March 29, 2023, the Board submitted a letter stating <br /> their commitment to take over the monthly maintenance of the planting and paying the <br /> costs of water starting in January 2024. The Windsor LIVID would retain the other <br /> maintenance responsibilities/costs, including but not limited to irrigation repairs, <br /> soundwall repair, tree pruning, etc. <br /> The Estimate of Cost and Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 includes estimated costs to <br /> continue maintenance by the LIVID through the fiscal year. However, the City plans to <br /> enter into an agreement, to be approved by the City Manager, with the HOA for the <br /> transition of maintenance responsibilities. Any potential cost savings achieved at the <br /> latter part of the fiscal year when the agreement goes into effect will be used to reduce <br /> the fund balance deficit. <br /> Although the HOA accepting the costs for routine plant maintenance and water will help <br /> to alleviate the fund balance deficit, it is not a permanent solution. An increase in the <br /> annual assessment will be necessary to meet the maintenance standards of the District <br /> in the future. If additional funding from a new or increased assessment is not <br /> implemented, the City will be forced to continue to reduce maintenance and postpone <br /> facilities upgrades, resulting in a continuing deterioration of the grounds and facilities. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-1, Windsor Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />