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14 <br /> replacement of the local storm drainage system is conservatively estimated to be <br /> 10%, based upon the relative cost to construct and maintain this critical local <br /> infrastructure. In other words, if the Maintenance District were required to <br /> construct and maintain the local storm drainage system, the budget would <br /> increase by at least 10%. <br /> The City of Pleasanton owns and maintains local public streets throughout the <br /> Maintenance District. These public streets provide access to the Improvements <br /> for its enjoyment as well as efficient maintenance. The contribution from the City <br /> of Pleasanton toward general benefit from the maintenance, rehabilitation, and <br /> replacement of the local public streets is conservatively estimated to be 10%, <br /> based upon the relative cost to construct and maintain this critical local <br /> infrastructure. In other words, if the Maintenance District were required to <br /> construct and maintain the local public streets, the budget would increase by at <br /> least 10%. <br /> The value of the initial Improvements constructed bV the Developer can be <br /> quantified and monetized as an annuity to be amortized. Since the initial <br /> Improvements were performed and paid for by non-assessment funds, this <br /> "annuity" can be used to offset general benefit costs and is conservatively <br /> estimated to contribute 20%. In other words, if the Maintenance District were <br /> required to construct all the Improvements, the annual budget would increase by <br /> at least 20%. <br /> In other words, there is a 11.9% contribution needed to offset the general <br /> benefits conferred by the Improvements, and there is a 50% contribution from <br /> City of Pleasanton supporting local infrastructure, along with the amortized value <br /> of initial construction. This 50% contribution more than satisfies the general <br /> benefit requirements. <br /> The estimates used above for the City of Pleasanton's "in-kind", non-monetary <br /> contributions for the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement of the curbs <br /> and gutters, storm drainage systems, local streets (the "supportive <br /> infrastructure"), and the value of the initial Improvements constructed by the <br /> Developer, are based on industry standards; typical and standard quantity ratios <br /> between this supportive infrastructure (including the City's relative associated <br /> maintenance costs) and similar Improvements; and on the assessment <br /> Engineer's professional experience on planning and working in such projects. <br /> The City will also make a contribution of$9,703 from the General Fund for the <br /> cost of maintenance of the "general benefit" area along Arroyo, that was at one <br /> time included in this district. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1984-1, Ponderosa Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />