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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA <br /> A RESOLUTION FOR JOINT COOPERATIVE EFFORTS <br /> BY THE CITY OF LIVERMORE AND THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> REGARDING THE LIVERMORE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT <br /> The Livermore Municipal Airport is a regional asset which provides needed aviation <br /> facilities that enhance economic development in, and provide emergency access to, the Tri- <br /> Valley. <br /> The City Council of the City of Livermore adopted on March 23, 2010, a Resolution <br /> Establishing Airport Operational and Development Policies (Res. No. 2010-058), which <br /> includes several policies on which the City of Pleasanton wishes to collaborate. The City of <br /> Livermore and the City of Pleasanton desire to engage in joint cooperative efforts to implement <br /> several of these policies to minimize airport impacts on the Tri-Valley community, and improve <br /> the sharing of information between the cities and their residents, including: <br /> 1. Coordinating lobbying efforts by the Tri-Valley city councils to have Federal legislation <br /> adopted to phase-out old, high noise-producing jets. <br /> 2. Establishing jointly a community forum of stakeholders, to meet twice a year to receive: <br /> updates regarding the airport manager's responses to noise complaints; information <br /> provided to pilots regarding voluntary noise reduction efforts; and noise monitoring <br /> reports, when such reports are prepared. <br /> 3. Considering implementation of: technology to track planes which generate high noise <br /> during take-off and landing, and having the airport manager seek to obtain voluntary <br /> cooperation from pilots to reduce noise from such planes; and other voluntary mitigation <br /> measures for noise reduction. <br /> 4. Sharing information about airport noise reduction efforts and fly-over noise sources that <br /> can be incorporated into educational materials to be provided to residents. <br /> 5. Coordinating future noise monitoring studies. <br /> 6. Resuming quarterly meetings of the Livermore / Pleasanton Liaison Committee to <br /> improve communications and to promote mutual understanding of airport operations. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Livermore <br /> that the preceding joint cooperative efforts will be pursued by the City of Livermore and the <br /> City of Pleasanton. <br /> 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-147 <br />