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LINTk\IMS U PROCEDURES FOR APPROVAL <br /> Letter from Fire District—This letter shall identify the impacts of the proposed development on the district <br /> (in general)and the district's capabilities of servicing the proposed development(in particular). <br /> Engineer Stamp—All plans and drawings shall be stamped by an engineer certified or licensed in the State <br /> of California. <br /> Waiver Request Letter—This letter,which requests a waiver to the submittal process shall identify each <br /> item for which a waiver is requested and provide detailed justification for the request. This is a separate <br /> letter and it shall not be combined with or substituted for the Letter of intent. <br /> Review Fee—Checks shall be made payable to the City for the to lal amount of fees required as stipulated <br /> in the Airport's Rents and Fees Schedule. <br /> Entitlement Fees — Checks shall be made payable to the City for the total amount of fees required as <br /> stipulated in the City's Master Fee Schedule. <br /> Agreement—Copy of executed Agreement <br /> Completed FAA Form 7460-1 —Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration. <br /> 5.3. Requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration <br /> Non-Aeronautical Uses—FAA approval shall be obtained for any project involving non-aeronautical uses. <br /> Possible Obstructions in the Navigable Airspace— 14 CFR Part 77 Safe, Efficient Use. and Preservation <br /> of dne Navigable Airspace establishes the maximum allowable heights of objects on or in the vicinity of <br /> Airport. These regulations define "imaginary surfaces" which, if penetrated by an object, would be <br /> considered an obstruction.Any planned development that would penetrate these imaginary surfaces would, <br /> most likely,not be approved by the FAA in which case,it is unlikely that the City would approve the project <br /> as well. <br /> Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration—Once the Development Plan has the support of the City <br /> and once FAA Form 7460-1,Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration has been completed by the <br /> Applicant,the City will submit the form to the FAA. <br /> > FAA Form 7460-1, Notice oJ'Proposed Construction or Alteration is the official notification <br /> to the FAA of the proposed construction or alteration. <br /> r The Applicant shall complete FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or- <br /> Alteration, and provide any additional or supplemental information requested by the FAA or <br /> the City to facilitate the approval process. <br /> Leasing and Development Policy(DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY) 20 <br /> City of Livennore, Livermore Municipal Airport(02/22/2023) <br />