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olution shall have the power to <br /> ,pr°vide for the inclusion in such <br /> [contract of such terms as it may <br /> deem ueccssary to protect the best <br /> interests of the City- of Pleasanton. <br /> 1001 In award nga contract un- <br /> ,der this ordinance the City Coun- <br /> cil shall consider the type of equip- <br /> jment to be used, the aHlount 0f <br /> money offered, the responsJbili, ty <br /> and past e~perience of the persons <br /> making the proprosal. <br /> !10.02 An award of such contract <br /> !shall confer upon the person to <br /> whom the contract is awarded, the <br /> exclusive right, during the terms <br /> iof the contract, to collect, transport <br /> [and dispose of refuse produced or <br /> [accumulated within the corporate <br /> i limits of the City of Pleasanton, <br /> 'subject only to such exceptions as <br /> are specifically set forth in this <br /> ordiriance. All provisions of this <br /> ordinance applicable to the con- <br /> tractor shall constitute and be a <br /> '.part of any contract awarded here- <br /> t under. It shall he unlawful for any <br /> person, other than the person to <br /> ,whom such contract shall be award- <br /> [ed, or to whom such contract may <br /> ~be assigned with t'he consent of the <br /> ' City Council of the City of Pleasan- <br /> ton to col[oct or remove refuse in <br /> ~and from the City of Pleasanton, <br /> '.except as herein provided. <br /> ;10.03 The person to whom such <br /> i contract shah be awarded shall file <br /> ',with the City Clerk of the City of <br /> i}~leasanton ~ bond for the faithful <br /> performance of the contract in the <br /> , sum of Five thousand dollars <br /> t 000.00). <br /> 110.04 The term of such contract <br /> I shall m)t be for more than five <br /> tyears but may provide that the <br />' collector shall have an option to <br />l extend for an additional five years, <br />upon giving written notice to the <br />Ci,ty at least ninety (90) days be- <br />fore termination. Further, the agree- <br />[ment may provide that at the end <br />iof said option, being ten years from <br />Ithe date of agreement, both parties. <br />by mutual consent reached at least <br />ninety (90) days prior to termina- <br />itl°ri' may extend the agreement for <br />, an additional period not to exceed <br />~ five years. <br />10.05 Such contract shah also <br />quir,e that said contractor procure <br />for the period covered by t'he pro- <br />posed contract, full workmen's com- <br />pensation insurance with an approv- <br />ed insurance carrier. Such contract <br />shall also require that said con- <br />tractor carry pu'blic liability in- <br />surance to the amount of One Hun- <br />dred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,- <br />000.00) for t'he death or injury of <br />one person ~nd Three Hundred <br />Thousand ,Dollars ($300.000.00) for <br />the death or injury to two or more <br />persons in any one accident, and <br />property damage insurance to the <br />extent of Twenty Five Thousand <br />Dollars ($25,000.00) upon each of <br />the trucks or other vehicles used <br />by contractor in the carrying out <br />of the work called for in the con- <br />tract. Said insurance to cover <br />the City of Pleasanton. the mom <br />bets of the Council and its officers, <br />employees and agencies and tl~e re- <br />fuse collector. <br />10.0~ Such contract shall be in ad- <br />dition to all its other terms and <br />· provisions provided ,that for the ex- <br />clusive privilege in said contracl <br />,granted the contractor, and In ad- <br />dition to any sum of money to be <br />paid by said contractor to the City, <br />the contractor shall agree to ac- <br />cept and dispose of at the dump <br />free of charge, any and al[ refuse, <br />which thereby may deIiver in its <br />vehicles from property owned or <br />occupied by the City. <br />10.07 The Council may in its dis- <br />cretion, negotiate, a~vard and exe- <br />cute a contract for the e.~clusive <br />right to col[oct, remove and dispose <br />of refuse in and fronl the Ci4y. <br />10.08 Said contract and this or- <br />dinance shaIl specifically apply to <br />all facilities and buildings owned or <br />operated by governmcntM agencies <br />within the City. <br />11. O0 '~'~rO~TIOI~' A. 1ff~ ~lElff~v. TY. <br />Any person, firm or corporatiou, vi- <br />olating any of the provisions of <br />this ordinance shall be deemed guil- <br />ty of a lnisdtqneanor and upon con- <br />viction thereof shall be punishable <br />by a fine not exceeding Yiv- Hun- <br />dred Dallars ($5~0.1)0), or by <br /> <br /> prisonment in the County Jail not <br /> exceeding six months, or by both <br /> such fine and imprisoment, and <br /> each day upon whieh a violation of <br /> this ordinance continues shall be <br /> deemed a separate offense hereun- <br /> dr and shall be punishable as auch. <br />~.12.00 COlq:F:LICTS. If any section, <br /> subsection, sentence, clause or <br /> phrase of this ordinance i.~ for any <br /> reason held unconstitutional or in <br /> conflict with any statute or law of <br /> the United States of ,America, or <br /> State of California, such decision <br /> shah not affect the validity of the <br /> remaining portions of the ordinance. <br /> 13.00 I~,~,~-~T~. AIl ordiances and <br /> parts of ordiances in conflict with <br /> the provisions of this ordiance are <br /> hereby repealed. <br />14.00 lm~'2~ v-X$ ~1~ ~. The City <br />Clerk shall cause a copy of this <br />ordinance to be published in "The <br />Times", a newspaper of general cir- <br />culation published within the City <br />of Pleasanton, immediately upon <br />passage of this ordinance. <br /> INTRODUCED at a regular meet- <br />ing of the City Council of the City <br />of Pleasanton, held April 2, 1962, <br />and adopted at a regular meeting of <br />the City Council of the City of <br />Pleasanton, held on April 23, 1962, <br />by the followin~ votes. <br /> AYES: Counmlmen Bubics, Cairo, <br />P~arding, Long and McWllliams. <br /> NOES: None. <br /> ABSENT: None. <br /> APPROVED: April 2:1, 19~. <br /> S/ JOHN L. !VIcWILLIAMS, <br /> ~ayor. <br />ATTEST: <br /> M~A,RGARET L. CO~, <br /> City Clerk, <br /> btEAL <br /> b. April 25, 1962. <br /> <br /> <br />