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THE TIMES <br /> <br /> P.O. Box 188 -- Pleasanton, Calif. <br /> <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br /> · COUNTy OF ALAMEDAj <br /> <br /> ~ WHERE&S, the City CO~ncH of <br /> the City of P~asanton ba~ set April <br /> . 2, 1962 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock <br /> p,m. M,onday eve~ing~ ~ regular <br /> Council me ' ' Y <br /> ~ etmg, at the Cvun ' <br /> ~hgmbers Cit~ ~l} .... <br /> vahfornia, as the hour and Place <br /> for a hearing to consider the follow- <br /> lng m~tter. - <br /> <br /> ~NANCE A~OPTi~G THE <br /> ~ ,.M I,{ {...qXt' ",. ' AND <br /> <br /> .,..:~.~ r:i::.,':'v,x ~., x~,'~i;E <br /> ,.'] l, ;;I.'ll:{ll~ ~' ~' :i ~' / <br /> <br /> ~NG FOR PE'RM~T~ ~EES <br /> AND P~NALTIES- A~D ' <br /> <br /> . a, copy of said Uniform Build- <br /> ~Je{~,_ c~ ~1!, ~le~aqton ~ny <br /> open ~0r inspection to alt i~tereste~ <br /> <br />. '~6~ ' fitV, E~ thtt the above <br />nearing 'Shill be held and ~11 ~r <br /> <br />e~L!~ED t~ice the <br /> <br />STATE O'F CA,LIFORNIA ~ <br />COUNTY OF 2~LAME'DA ~ <br /> <br />SS. <br /> <br />of said co~nty, being duly sworn, deposes and says: <br /> <br /> That ............ he is and was during aH the times herein mentioned <br />a citizen of the United States, over .the age of 21 years, and neither <br />a party to nor in any way interested in the matter or action herein <br />set forth, and is and was .competent to be a witness in said matter <br />or action. <br /> <br />That ............ .h.e ,is now at all the times herein me.ntioned was the <br /> <br />of THE TI~,E,S, incorporating The (Pleasanton Times and is now, <br />and was at all ,the times herein mentioned a newspaper of ,general <br />circulation prinied and p,ublished weekly in the City of Pleasanton, <br />Township ,of 'Pleasanton, County of Alameda, State .of California, <br />and, as such, ,has now and at all said ,times had charge of all legal <br />notices and advertisements in said newspaper; that said THE TIMES, <br />incorporating The Pleasanton Times is now and was at all times here- <br />in mentioned a newspaper of general circulation as that term is de- <br />fined ,by :Section 4460 of the Pol, itical Code, and, as provided by <br />said section, is published for the dissemination of local and tele- <br />graphic news and intelligence of general charaet, er, h~a~n,g a bona <br />fide subscription }ist of paying subscribers, and is not devoted to <br />the interests or ,published for th, a entertaimment or instruction o~ a <br />particular class, ,profession, trade, calling, race, or denomination, or <br />for any number of such classes, ,professions, ,trades, callings, races, <br />or den,ominations; ~at at ,all of said tim, es said newspaper has been <br />established, printed, and ,published at regular intervals in said <br />township, ,county, and state, for more ghana year preceding the <br />date of the ,first publication of the notice herein mentioned; the said <br />no.ce was set in ,type not smaller than nonpareil, and ~ras ~preceded <br />with words ,in blackface type not smaller tha'n nonpareil, describ- <br />ing an,d ,expressing in ,general terms the purport ,and character of <br />the notice intended to be given. <br /> <br /> That the ......... .1.[..~....I...0.~....0.~....P.~..I..0....~.~i...~.. }[~....0....R~..,....~... <br /> <br />of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said news <br /> <br />paper ........ ~W~'- T-I I~S,----INO GI~PORATt-N~--!trf~--P~?~,'S~I~ TIM"ES <br /> <br />to-wit from .the ........2...1. ........ day of .......... .M..i~:rC]:i, ..................... A. D. 19....-62 <br /> <br />to the .....2.~ ............................... day of ................ ~.~ak .......... A.D. 19....(~. <br /> <br />both the days inclusive, viz., on the ...~..1..,._...2..~....l~...a._~..~.~...~..~.~ ........... <br /> <br /> Subscribed alJd' sworn to before me this ......... 2~. ..................... day of <br /> <br />............... 8t~I'gl'i ............................................ A. D. 19.&Z... <br /> <br /> ~..~.../,~..,..~ ..~ <br /> / Notary l~lic in an~for said Cou,nty <br /> ~ of Alambda, State of California. <br /> BONNIE JEAN BERTE~A <br />(My commissio~ expires .................................................... , 19 .......... ) <br /> <br /> <br />