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Objective Desian Standards for Housina Sites <br /> b. Corner parcels shall be allowed to locate a maximum of one drive for every 70 feet of <br /> frontage on each public street, except if the applicant commissions a traffic study by a <br /> licensed engineer concluding that additional drives do not create an unsafe condition for <br /> pedestrians and drivers. <br /> C. No private drive shall exceed the total maximum width allowed in R-1 districts by the <br /> Off Street Parking requirements of the Pleasanton Municipal Code <br /> d. Private drives shall be allowed to be shared between adjacent properties with a dedicated <br /> Access Easement <br /> e. A proposed drive exceeding 150 feet in length shall provide a minimum of 20 feet of <br /> clear width;dedicate a Public Access Easement; and comply with the turnaround <br /> provisions required by the California Fire Code. <br /> f. Private driveways connecting garages to Internal,Public,or Frontage streets shall be a <br /> minimum of 22 feet in length as measured from the back of sidewalk to the exterior face <br /> of the garage door. Garages fronting alleys or private parking lots in compliance with <br /> Sections A5 and A7 where sidewalks are not provided shall be exempt from this <br /> standard. <br /> Design Guidelines <br /> All Housing Site Development <br /> A La Development should be configured so Public Streets,Internal Streets and pedestrian Paseos are <br /> used to assign addresses for the units. <br /> A Lb Development should anticipate connections to adjacent parcels to provide future connectivity. <br /> A Lc Development located where trails are shown by the Trails Master Plan or other relevant City <br /> documents but are not yet built should provide bicycle and pedestrian connections to bridge trail <br /> gaps to the maximum extent possible. <br /> Al.d Development located adjacent to the city public trail system should be oriented to provide unit <br /> entrances from the trail. <br /> Al.e While connections to external streets and adjacent development are required,these connections <br /> should be located and designed to minimize external cut-through traffic. <br /> City of Pleasanton - 23 - Adopted May 2, 2023 <br />