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59 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />Goal 6: Plan effectively for new development and ensure housing is developed in <br />a manner that reduces its environmental impacts, keeps pace with available <br />infrastructure and services, improves the quality of life for existing and new <br />residents, and is compatible with existing development and adjacent uses. <br /> <br />Policies <br />Policy 6.1 <br />Disperse high-density housing throughout the community, in areas near public transit, major <br />thoroughfares, shopping, and employment centers, and ensure that livability is considered when <br />considering proposals for high density residential developments, including open space, amenities, <br />and facilities for the intended occupants. <br /> <br />Policy 6.2 <br />Seek to improve the local jobs-housing balance and match and increase the percentage of <br />residents that both live and work in Pleasanton, by accommodating additional housing within the <br />City and facilitating the provision of housing at affordability levels that match local wages, <br />including households with lower-wage jobs. <br /> <br />Policy 6.3 <br />Strongly encourage residential infill in areas where public facilities are or can be made to be <br />adequate to support such development. <br /> <br />Policy 6.4 <br />Ensure that new housing development and improvements to existing housing (e.g., rehabilitation, <br />remodels and additions) integrate sustainable design and energy efficiency features, including a <br />reduced lifecycle carbon footprint of materials required for the development of housing (i.e., <br />remodels, additions, and new units), reduced energy and water consumption and efficiency, and <br />expanded use of renewable energy sources. <br /> <br />Policy 6.5 <br />Encourage new housing to be located in areas well-served by public transit and the active <br />transportation network (e.g., pedestrian and bicycle facilities), and seek to improve these facilities <br />throughout the city, in order to improve access to all modes of transportation and reduce Vehicle <br />Miles Travelled (VMT) associated with new development. <br />