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What is the Housing Element? <br />The Housing Element is a State-mandated section of the City’s General Plan. It must: <br />• Assess community housing needs <br />and housing stock conditions <br />• Establish a roadmap to accommodate <br />projected housing demands <br />• Set citywide housing-related goals, <br />objectives, policies, and programs <br />• Show how the City will meet demand <br />for housing at all income levels <br />Housing Element Components <br />Policy and Programs Review:Evaluation of policies and programs <br />from the current housing element <br />Housing Needs Assessment:Review of the existing and projected <br />housing needs; consider special needs populations <br />Adequate Sites Inventory:List of land suitably zoned to <br />accommodate the City’s share of regional housing need <br />Housing Resources Assessment:Resources that support the <br />development, preservation, and rehabilitation of housing <br />Housing Constraints Assessment: Assessment of governmental <br />and non-governmental constraints to housing development <br />Implementation Plan:Goals, policies, and programs for addressing <br />the City’s housing need <br />7 <br />8 <br />Public Participation Summaries City of Pleasanton | E-46