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27 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br /> Time Period: <br />o Initial lower-income sites outreach (September 2023); subsequent lower- <br />income sites outreach (September 2025 and September 2029) <br />o Religious institution outreach (June 2023); ongoing (within six months of any <br />changes to regulations that facilitate housing on such sites) (also see Program <br />7.6) <br />o PUSD engagement (June 2025) <br />o Begin planning of at least one housing site (January 2026) (see Program 1.7 <br />for earlier planning efforts on sites that accommodate low-income RHNA <br />capacity) <br />o Other program aspects on an ongoing basis <br /> Funding Source: Housing Grants, Housing Division Budget, Planning Division Budget, <br />Lower Income Housing Fund, Tax-Exempt Bonds, Federal and State Housing Programs, <br />use of City-owned land, if available <br /> Quantified Objective: Assist in the development of 100 below market rate units over the <br />planning period <br /> Geographic Targeting: Target assistance in developing below market rate units in the <br />highest opportunity areas (i.e., census tracts identified as TCAC highest resource) and <br />areas of relatively higher income (i.e., see Appendix F, Figure F-9: Median Household <br />Income) <br /> <br />Program 1.6 <br />For those properties designated for high-density residential development with existing commercial <br />uses, conduct outreach with property owners and businesses to identify specific incentives for <br />business relocation and to encourage property owners to develop their properties with housing. <br />Develop appropriate incentives that would facilitate relocating existing <br />commercial/office/industrial uses in order to enable development with residential uses. The City <br />will facilitate the conversion of commercial, office, industrial buildings and parking structures for <br />housing and mixed-use developments with use of incentives, which may include: <br />1. Transfer of development rights; <br />2. A review of traffic requirements and evaluation measures to facilitate mixed use <br />development; <br />3. Development of transit alternatives; <br />4. Use of development agreements; <br />5. Flexibility of parking standards; <br />6. Flexibility of development standards for converting existing buildings or space to <br />residential (i.e., adaptive re-use) to ensure minimum and maximum densities can be <br />achieved; and