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<br />Sites Inventory and Methodology City of Pleasanton | B-11 <br />Downtown MU-T Zone and approved under SB 35 streamlined review in September 2022, has <br />a density of 125 units per acre achieved through density bonus and concessions. The <br />Downtown Specific Plan was adopted in August 2019, six months before the COVID-19 <br />pandemic began, which slowed the rate of new applications. The Downtown Specific Plan <br />includes policies to encourage higher density residential, a range of housing types, and <br />affordable units through expedited permit processing, fee waivers, reduced parking <br />requirements, and others (Policies LD-P.44, 45, 46, 47). Furthermore, with the declining trend <br />of brick-and-mortar retail coupled with COVID-19 pandemic impacts and continued demand <br />for housing, the likelihood of 100 percent commercial projects is unlikely to increase in the near <br />future. <br />Table B-6: Zoning Districts’ Realistic Residential Development Capacity Assumptions <br />Zone1 Mid-Point Density Maximum Allowed Density Realistic Capacity Assumption2 <br />A 0.2 units/acre 1.0 unit/site 1.0 unit/site (100% of maximum allowed density)3 <br />R-1-40 <br />1.0 unit/acre <br />1.09 units/acre 1.0 unit/acre (92% of maximum allowed density) <br />R-1-20 2.18 units/acre 1.0 unit/acre (46% of maximum allowed density) <br />R-1-10 4.36 units/acre 4.36 units/acre 4.36 units/acre (100% of maximum allowed density) <br />R-1-65 5.0 units/acre 6.70 units/acre 5.0 units/acre (75% of maximum allowed density) <br />RM-4 10.89 units/acre 10.89 units/acre 10.89 units/acre (100% of maximum allowed density) <br />RM-25 <br />15.0 units/acre <br />17.42 units/acre 15.0 units/acre (86% of maximum allowed density) <br />RM-15 29.04 units/acre 15.0 units/acre (52% of maximum allowed density) <br />MU-T - 43.56 units/acre Vacant parcels – 21.1 units/acre (60% of maximum <br />allowed density) <br />Nonvacant parcels – 17.4 units/acre (40% of <br />maximum allowed density) C-C - 43.56 units/acre <br />PUD - Varies <br />Minimum densities applied where established; where <br />no minimum density standard, capacity projected <br />based on approved PUD. 4 <br />1 No sites are located in the R-1-85, R-1-75, RM-2, or MU-D zones. <br />2 Realistic capacity was reduced on certain sites based on constraints (e.g., hillside, etc.). <br />3 The minimum lot size in the A Zone is 5 acres, which equates to 1.0 unit per site at the mid-point density. <br />4 Two Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) parcels zoned PUD-MU are currently zoned for a minimum of 20 and maximum <br />of 30 units per acre; however, AB 2923 requires a minimum of 75 units per acre, effective July 1, 2022; and therefore, <br />mid-point density of approximately 37 units per acre was applied to the BART PUD-MU parcels. <br />Source: City of Pleasanton, LWC <br /> <br />Market conditions in Pleasanton reflect demand for larger units with ample parking, which has <br />resulted in some projects being constructed below the maximum allowed density. Residential <br />developments in the RM-1,500 Zoning District have achieved densities ranging from 59 to 79