Ordinance No. 2244
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<br /> C. Raising of fruits, nuts, vegetables and horticultural specialties for private noncommercial
<br /> use;
<br /> D. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations prescribed in
<br /> Chapter 18.104 of this title;
<br /> E. Livestock and poultry raising for private, noncommercial use, and private kennels and
<br /> stables; provided, that any building or enclosure in which animals or fowl, except household
<br /> pets, are contained shall be at least 100 feet from any R, O, C, I-P or P district;
<br /> F. Photovoltaic facilities;
<br /> G. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site with a permitted use, including
<br /> barns, stables, coops, tank houses, storage tanks, windmills (not including wind energy
<br /> facilities), other farm outbuildings, private garages and carports, or guesthouse or accessory
<br /> living quarters without a kitchen for each dwelling on the site, storehouses, garden structures,
<br /> greenhouses, recreation rooms and hobby shops, and storage of petroleum products for
<br /> persons residing on the site and the following accessory structures and uses located on the
<br /> same site with a permitted use or with a conditional use which has been granted a use permit in
<br /> accord with the provisions of Chapter 18.124 of this title:
<br /> 1. Emergency standby electricity generator, fuel cell, and/or battery facilities provided
<br /> that the facilities shall be tested from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or from
<br /> 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday or Sunday only; the facilities shall not be tested for
<br /> more than one hour during any day, and no testing shall be on federal holidays or on
<br /> "Spare The Air Days" in Alameda County,
<br /> 2. Portable, temporary electricity generator, fuel cell, or battery facilities,
<br /> 3. Photovoltaic facilities,
<br /> 4. Small electricity generator facilities that meet the following criteria:
<br /> a. The fuel source for the generators shall be natural gas, bio diesel, or the
<br /> byproduct of an approved cogeneration or combined cycle facility,
<br /> b. The facilities shall use the best available control technology to reduce air
<br /> pollution,
<br /> C. The facilities shall not create any objectionable odors at any point outside of
<br /> the property plane where the facilities are located,
<br /> d. The facilities shall not exceed a noise level of 45 dBA at any point on any
<br /> residentially zoned property outside of the property plane where the facilities are
<br /> located,
<br /> e. On a site with fuel cell facilities, small electricity generator facilities shall not be
<br /> permitted unless the aggregate wattage of the two facilities is less than one megawatt.
<br /> If the aggregate wattage of the two facilities is one megawatt or greater, the small
<br /> electricity generator facilities shall be subject to all requirements and processes
<br /> prescribed in this title for medium or large electricity generator facilities, whichever is
<br /> the most applicable, in the subject zoning district, and
<br /> f. The facilities shall be cogeneration or combined cycle facilities, if feasible,
<br /> 5. Small fuel cell facilities that meet the following criteria:
<br /> a. The facilities shall not create any objectionable odors at any point outside of the
<br /> property plane where the facilities are located,
<br /> b. The fuel cell facilities shall not exceed a noise level of 45 dBA at any point on
<br /> any residentially zoned property outside of the property plane where the facilities are
<br /> located, and
<br /> C. On a site with electricity generator facilities, small fuel cell facilities shall not be
<br /> permitted unless the aggregate wattage of the two facilities is less than one megawatt.
<br /> If the aggregate wattage of the two facilities is one megawatt or greater, the small fuel
<br /> cell facilities shall be subject to all requirements and processes prescribed in this title
<br />