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18.88.040 <br /> 645 (Pleasanton Supp. No. 29, 1-23) <br />a. Office. All new construction, major alteration or enlargement of office facilities resulting in 30,000 <br />square feet or more of gross floor area at one site shall be subject to the provisions of this subsection; <br />b. Industrial. All new construction, or major alteration or enlargement of industrial facility with 40,000 <br />square feet of gross floor area or more at one site shall be subject to the provisions of this subsection. <br />The applicability of projects having a mixture of office and industrial uses shall be determined by <br />assuming one employee for each 300 square feet of gross floor area of office use, and one employee <br />for each 400 square feet of gross floor area of industrial use. Projects totaling 100 or more employees <br />shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. <br />2. For each 10 spaces of alternative vehicle parking required by this subsection, a minimum of one space shall <br />be designated as a carpool stall and a minimum of one space as a vanpool stall. Six spaces shall be desig- <br />nated for additional carpool/vanpool vehicles, car-share vehicles, or alternative-fuel vehicles (including, but <br />not limited to ethanol, biodiesel, fuel cell (hydrogen), natural gas vehicles; but not including hybrid or bi- <br />fuel vehicles where one of the fuels is gasoline or diesel). The six spaces shall also be provided with elec- <br />trical conduit and service capacity so that when demand warrants, as determined by the community devel- <br />opment director, these spaces may be used for electric vehicle charging. <br />3. All of the alternative vehicle parking spaces required under this subsection shall be preferentially located as <br />close to the employee entrance as practical without displacing accessible parking and any designated cus- <br />tomer or client parking. <br />B. All of the alternative vehicle parking spaces required under this section shall be counted toward the off-street <br />parking required by Section 18.88.030 of this chapter and the accessible parking spaces shall be as required by <br />the current California Building Code. <br />C. All of the alternative vehicle parking spaces required under this section shall be clearly marked with both signage <br />and pavement stencils. <br />D. Parking spaces required under this section shall meet the dimensional standards of Section 18.88.040 of this <br />chapter. (Ord. 2241 § 2, 2022; Ord. 2094 § 2, 2014) <br /> <br />18.88.040 Standards. <br />All off-street parking facilities, whether provided in compliance with Section 18.88.030 of this chapter or not, <br />shall conform with the regulations prescribed in Sections 18.84.130 through 18.84.260 of this title and with the follow- <br />ing standards: <br />A. The minimum off-street parking dimensions shall be as follows: <br />1. Parking spaces required to be located in a garage or carport shall not be less than 20 feet in length and 10 <br />feet in width and otherwise meeting the requirements for full sized parking spaces. <br />2. Full sized parking spaces shall meet the minimum dimensions prescribed in Table 18.88.040 of this section. <br />3. Compact car parking spaces may be allowed in off-street parking facilities subject to approval by the city. <br />Up to 40 percent of the total parking spaces required may be compact car spaces, based upon the size, <br />shape and design of the off-street parking facility. Compact car spaces shall have minimum dimensions of <br />eight feet by 16 feet and may be angled as is allowed for full sized parking spaces. Aisle width for compact <br />car spaces shall be a minimum of 21 feet for a 90 degree parking angle. For different angles, aisle width <br />and other relevant dimensions shall be reduced proportionately from those shown in Table 18.88.040 of this <br />section for full sized parking spaces, subject to the approval of the city. Each compact car space shall be <br />marked clearly with bold lettering no less than eight inches in height “Compact Car Only.” <br />B. Sufficient aisle space for readily turning and maneuvering vehicles shall be provided on the site, except that no <br />more than two parking spaces on the site of a dwelling or lodging house may be located so as to necessitate back- <br />ing a vehicle across a property line abutting a street. Alleys may be used for maneuvering. <br />C. Each parking space shall have unobstructed access from a street or alley or from an aisle or drive connecting with <br />a street or alley without moving another vehicle.
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