<br />(Pleasanton Supp. No. 29, 1-23) 644
<br />5. Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes and charitable and religious institutions providing sleeping accom-
<br />modations—two spaces for each three beds, one space for each two employees, and one space for each staff
<br />doctor.
<br />6. Libraries, museums, art galleries and similar uses—one space for each 600 square feet of gross floor area
<br />and one space for each employee.
<br />7. Post offices—one space for each 600 square feet of gross floor area and one space for each employee.
<br />8. Cemeteries, columbariums and crematories—one space for each employee, plus the number of additional
<br />spaces prescribed by the zoning administrator.
<br />9. Public buildings and grounds other than schools and administrative offices—one space for each employee,
<br />plus the number of additional spaces prescribed by the zoning administrator.
<br />10. Public utility structures and installations—one space for each employee on the maximum shift, plus the
<br />number of additional spaces prescribed by the zoning administrator.
<br />11. Bus depots, railroad stations and yards, airports and heliports, and other transportation and terminal facili-
<br />ties—one space for each employee, plus the number of additional spaces prescribed by the zoning adminis-
<br />trator.
<br />E. Educational Facilities.
<br />1. Schools and colleges, including public, parochial and private elementary and high schools, kindergartens
<br />and nursery schools—one space for each employee, including teachers and administrators and one space
<br />for each four students in grade 10 or above. Where subsection (D)(1) of this section requires a greater num-
<br />ber of spaces on the site of a school or college, subsection (D)(1) of this section shall apply and the re-
<br />quirements of this subsection (E)(1) shall be waived.
<br />2. Business, professional trade, art, craft, music and dancing schools and colleges—one space for each em-
<br />ployee, including teachers and administrators and one additional space for each two students 16 years or
<br />older.
<br />F. Property Zoned C-C or O and in the Downtown Revitalization District.
<br />1. All uses, with the exception of office uses on the ground floor of new buildings on sites with frontage on
<br />Main Street, shall provide parking or pay equivalent in lieu parking fees at the rate of one space for each
<br />300 square feet of gross floor area. However, uses which have lower parking requirements as stated else-
<br />where in this section may provide parking or pay equivalent in lieu fees according to that lower standard.
<br />2. Office uses on the ground floor of new buildings with frontage on Main Street shall provide parking or pay
<br />equivalent in lieu parking fees at the rate of one space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area. Such of-
<br />fice uses which are established anytime within the first five years of the building’s occupancy, including
<br />tenant spaces which convert from nonoffice to office use within the first five years of building occupancy,
<br />shall provide the additional parking or pay the in lieu fee based on the additional parking required for office
<br />use. (Ord. 2228 § 1, 2021; Ord. 2213 § 2, 2021; Ord. 2161 § 1, 2017; Ord. 2061 § 2, 2013; Ord. 2017 § 2,
<br />2011; Ord. 1898 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1812, 2000; Ord. 1767 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1726 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1665 § 5,
<br />1995; Ord. 1656 § 1, 1995; Ord. 1636 § 7, 1994; Ord. 1494 § 4, 1990; prior code § 2-9.16)
<br />
<br />18.88.035 Requirements for alternative vehicle parking.
<br />Alternative Vehicle Parking Requirements—Carpool/Vanpool, Car-Share, and Alternative-Fuel Vehicles.
<br />A. Office and Industrial Development. All new construction, major alteration or enlargement of office and industrial
<br />facilities meeting the building size thresholds defined by subsection (A)(1), shall designate at least 10 percent of
<br />the off-street parking spaces required by Section 18.88.030 of this chapter as stalls for carpool, vanpool, car-
<br />share, and alternative-fuel vehicles, as further specified below:
<br />1. Building Size Thresholds. The thresholds listed below shall be used to determine if a project is subject to
<br />the provisions of this subsection. Alternative thresholds may be proposed and will be subject to approval by
<br />the community development director.