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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />48 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Environmental Setting <br />The project site is relatively flat and consists entirely of a paved parking lot with intermittent trees of <br />various types and heights, including Heritage Trees as discussed in Section IV, Biological Resources, <br />located throughout and along the project boundary. <br />The project site is situated in an area dominated primarily by multi-story commercial buildings and <br />related parking lots, although some smaller-scale residential buildings are located in the vicinity. The <br />Stoneridge Mall is located to the north (parking structure and former Sears building) and west <br />(various stores and Macy’s). Stoneridge Mall Road is located directly east and south of the project <br />site. The Stoneridge Mall building ranges from one to three stories and contains a variety of <br />storefronts and parking facilities. Further to the east are two, 5-story commercial office buildings and <br />related parking areas. To the south is a newly constructed commercial office building. The Stoneridge <br />Apartments, a complex of 3-story residential buildings and parking, are located to the southeast. <br />The top of the Pleasanton Ridge to the west can be seen intermittently from the project site, <br />particularly in the eastern portion. Buildings and trees otherwise generally obscure such views of the <br />Ridge. In the vicinity of the project site, such as Stoneridge Mall Road (east), Genomics Place, and <br />Embarcadero Court, trees and buildings obstruct nearly all views of the Ridge. <br />The project site is located approximately 0.25 mile west of Interstate 680 (I-680), which is designated <br />as a State Scenic Highway. The proposed project is located approximately 0.33 mile south of I-580, <br />which is an Eligible State Scenic Highway, but is not an officially designated scenic route. <br />Findings <br />a) Scenic Vistas <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />The Prior EIR concluded that implementation of the Housing Element, applicable General Plan, <br />applicable zoning requirements, and design guidelines and specific plans would protect Pleasanton’s <br />visual resources—including hillsides and ridgelines—from impacts resulting from development <br />consistent with the Housing Element, with the exception of Site 7. Mitigation Measure (MM) 4.A-1 <br />was identified to reduce impacts related to the development of Site 7. Impacts were determined to <br />be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. MM 4.A-1 is specific to Site 7 and does not <br />apply to Site 3, the project site. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />Scenic resources include Mount Diablo to the north, the Pleasanton Ridge west of I-680, and hills to <br />the west, southeast, and east. Views of these resources as seen from the project site are mostly <br />obstructed by mature trees and by surrounding urban development. At areas adjacent to the project <br />site, such as Stoneridge Mall Road (east), Genomics Place, and Embarcadero Court, trees and <br />buildings obstruct nearly all views of the Ridge. Therefore, the proposed project would not <br />substantially alter these views and thus would not introduce any new impacts to scenic vistas.