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• Available Funding (Non-restricted) - Present the non-restricted General Fund dollars that <br /> are anticipated in the two-year revenue forecasts and/or available in existing reserves <br /> that are available for City Council to allocate in the upcoming four-year CIP. <br /> • Existing Process (CIP Carry-forward) - Discuss the current process by which remaining <br /> budgets for existing capital projects are carried forward across fiscal years and <br /> recommend a change to the process. <br /> • Existing Project Review and (Re)Prioritization - Present a list of all existing projects <br /> funded with General Fund dollars, including those that have been carried forward, along <br /> with a staff recommendation for City Council to consider deferring or deleting some of <br /> those projects so the funding can be reallocated based on current priorities. <br /> • New 4-Year CIP Recommendation - For City Council discussion purposes, staff has also <br /> prepared a prioritized list of potential projects, along with a cost estimate for each <br /> potential project. Assuming funds are reallocated as recommended, the list represents <br /> the staff recommendation regarding which projects should be budgeted with General <br /> Fund dollars in the upcoming four-year CIP. <br /> These items are being presented in a memorandum format for the Council's early review; the <br /> memorandum will be used as the basis of an agenda item for the regular City Council <br /> meeting on March 21, 2023. At that meeting, staff would like to receive input and direction <br /> from City Council regarding the recommendation to reallocate some funding. Regardless of <br /> the input and direction received, a balanced four-year CIP budget will be presented to City <br /> Council for consideration and discussion on April 18, 2023. The March meeting is an early <br /> opportunity for the City Council to provide input to staff earlier in the capital budget <br /> development process. <br /> Anticipated Contributions from the General Fund (Non-restricted) <br /> Staff's preliminary estimate includes funding $2.0 million from the General Fund for each of <br /> the next two years for capital projects. With the development of the two-year proposed <br /> Operating Budget currently in progress, staff is actively working on determining the level of <br /> the General Fund resources available for capital projects and will provide more refined <br /> estimate at the April 18t' Budget Workshop meeting. In the meantime, it is suggested for the <br /> purpose of this memo the $2.0 million estimate for FY 2023/24 and FY 2024/25 be used. The <br /> goal is to contribute $5.0 million to the CIP annually depending on available resources. In <br /> some years, the contributions may be more significant due to year-end surplus and the use of <br /> reserve funds. The contributions for FY 2019/20, FY 2020/21 and FY 2021/22 were $2.6 <br /> million, $4.0 million and $8.8 million. The contribution for FY 2022/23 is projected at $7.7 <br /> million. This amount reflects $3.5 million in contribution from the Rainy Day Fund to the <br /> General Fund; funds that were set aside during COVID are returned to support capital <br /> projects. The estimated $2.0 million annual contribution reflects a drawdown from the Rainy <br /> Day fund. <br /> 2 <br />