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Program 40.2:Utilize tax- <br /> exempt bonds,and other <br /> financing mechanisms,to <br /> finance the construction of The City continues to look for new financing mechanisms to assist in the development of <br /> housing units affordable to Reserve suitable sites for subsidized Ongoing;dependent on affordable units.In 2016,the City supported the passage of a new affordable housing <br /> extremely low-,low-and very housing affordable to low-and very-low- specific proposals and bond(Measure Al)for Alameda County that awarded Pleasanton$12.3 million dollars in <br /> low-income households,to income households. opportunities. new funds for affordable housing in Pleasanton. <br /> purchase land for such a <br /> use,and to reduce mortgage <br /> rates. <br /> Program 40.3:If the City <br /> acquires or obtains control of <br /> a potential housing site,in <br /> order to facilitate the <br /> provision of affordable <br /> housing and a mixed-income <br /> environment,the City may As Appropriate i.e.,Based In 2019,the Cit acquired a new property and started construction on the parcel of land <br /> issue an RFP in conjunction Reserve suitable sites for subsidized ( y q p p y <br /> or in partnership with non- housing affordable to low-and very-low- on Land Availability) within Irby Ranch with the intent of using the land to provide new affordable housing in <br /> Profit or for-profit income households. Quantified Objective: 150 partnership with SAHA/Sunflower Hill which was completed in 2020.The City will <br /> partnerships for units continue to stay committed to providing affordable housing in the future. <br /> development providing at <br /> least 20 percent of the units <br /> to very low-income <br /> households and 20 percent <br /> of the units to low-income <br /> households. <br />