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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 24 April 2022 <br />Table 3.3-2. Average Daily Unmitigated Construction Emissions <br />Year <br />ROG NOx PM10 Exhaust PM2.5 Exhaust <br />pounds per day <br />2022 2.2 22.8 1.0 1.0 <br />BAAQMD Construction <br />Thresholds <br />54 54 82 54 <br />Exceed Threshold? No No No No <br />Source: Appendix B <br />Notes: The values shown are average daily emissions based on total overall tons of construction emissions, converted to <br />pounds, and divided by 65 actives workdays. <br />ROG = reactive organic gases; NOx = oxides of nitrogen; PM10 = coarse particulate matter; PM2.5 = fine particulate matter <br />As shown in Table 3.3-2, air pollutant emissions during project construction would be well-below <br />the significance thresholds. Therefore, criteria air pollutant emissions during construction would <br />be less than significant. <br />Operations. Long-term air emissions impacts are associated with any change in permanent use of <br />the project site by on-site stationary and off-site mobile sources that substantially increase vehicle <br />trip emissions. No stationary sources of emissions are proposed as part of the project. Once <br />completed, the proposed project would not generate significant vehicle or other emissions. <br />Therefore, long-term operation of the proposed project would have a less-than-significant impact <br />in relation to regional operational emissions. <br />In regard to localized CO concentrations, according to the BAAQMD thresholds, a project would <br />result in a less-than-significant impact if the following screening criteria are met: <br />1. The project is consistent with an applicable congestion management program established <br />by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways, regional <br />transportation plan, and local congestion management agency plans. <br />2. The project traffic would not increase traffic volumes at affected intersections to more than <br />44,000 vehicles per hour. <br />3. The project traffic would not increase traffic volumes at affected intersections to more than <br />24,000 vehicles per hour where vertical and/or horizontal mixing is substantially limited <br />(e.g., tunnel, parking garage, bridge underpass, natural or urban street canyon, below- <br />grade roadway). <br />The project would generate minimal traffic trips as described in Section 3.17(b) and would comply <br />with the BAAQMD screening criteria. Accordingly, project-related traffic would not exceed CO <br />standards and therefore, no further analysis was conducted for CO impacts. This CO emissions <br />impact would be less than significant for the project as well as the cumulative scenario. <br />Past, present, and future development projects may contribute to the region’s adverse air quality <br />impacts on a cumulative basis. Per BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, by nature, air pollution is largely a <br />cumulative impact; no single project is sufficient in size to, by itself, result in nonattainment of <br />ambient air quality standards. In developing thresholds of significance for air pollutants, BAAQMD <br />considered the emission levels for which a project’s individual emissions would be cumulatively