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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 18 April 2022 <br /> <br />Potentially <br />Significant <br />Impact <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Impact With <br />Mitigation <br />Incorporated <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Impact No Impact <br />c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause <br />rezoning of, forest land (as defined in <br />Public Resources Code section <br />12220(g)), timberland (as defined by <br />Public Resources Code section 4526), <br />or timberland zoned Timberland <br />Production (as defined by Government <br />Code section 51104(g))? <br /> <br />d) Result in the loss of forest land or <br />conversion of forest land to non-forest <br />use? <br /> <br />e) Involve other changes in the existing <br />environment which, due to their location <br />or nature, could result in conversion of <br />Farmland, to non-agricultural use or <br />conversion of forest land to non-forest <br />use? <br /> <br />Setting <br />The project site is located on land designated by the California Department of Conservation’s Farmland <br />Mapping and Monitoring Program as “Urban and Built up Land” and “Other Land,” and is not designated <br />as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (DOC 2021a). A portion of land <br />owned by Golden Eagle HOA that the trail would cross is designated under the General Plan Agriculture and <br />Grazing, while the zoning designation for this portion of the project site is Planned Unit Development – Low <br />Density Residential. The Augustin Bernal Community Park carries the Agriculture zoning designation. The <br />site does not support agricultural or timber operations, does not carry a zoning specific to forest land or <br />timberland, and is not within a Timber Production zone. The project site is within an existing community <br />park and supports an unofficial user-created mountain bike trail. <br />Impact Discussion <br />a) Would the project convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide <br />Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and <br />Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? <br />The project site is located on land designated by the California Department of Conservation’s <br />Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program as “Farmland of Local Importance” and does not <br />include any Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (DOC 2021a). <br />Therefore, the project would result in no impact to designated Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, <br />or Farmland of Statewide Importance.