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RES 231363
City of Pleasanton
RES 231363
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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 16 April 2022 <br />designated scenic vistas occur in the vicinity of the project site, but the site is visible from Interstate 680, <br />which is a designated state scenic highway . <br />Impact Discussion <br />a) Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? <br />No formally designated scenic vista is identified in the vicinity of the project site, and the project <br />site is not a component of any formally designated scenic vista. There are several scenic vistas <br />available from the Augustin Bernal Community Park (see Figure 7) and Pleasanton Ridge Regional <br />Park, and views of the parklands from surrounding public and private viewpoints are highly scenic. <br />The project would create a linear trail through the project site, replacing the existing unofficial trail. <br />The project would also involve decommissioning of approximately 4,300 linear feet of other existing <br />unofficial, user-created trails, thus reducing the total amount of trail length within the park. The <br />project would not alter views of Augustin Bernal Community Park because the project is designed <br />to largely retain the forested characteristics of the site and does not include any tree removal. The <br />project would result in no change to any formally designated scenic vista, would largely retain <br />woodland features, and would be visually consistent with the surrounding park setting. Therefore, <br />the project would have no impacts to scenic vistas. <br />b) Would the project substantially damage scenic resources including, but not limited to, trees, rock <br />outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? <br />Interstate 680, located east of the project site, is an officially designated state scenic highway <br />(Caltrans 2021). The project would occur within the viewshed of Interstate 680, but the project <br />would not require the removal of any trees. Vegetation removal and tree trimming would occur <br />below the tree canopy and therefore would not be noticeable from Interstate 680. Because the trail <br />would be substantially obscured by the existing oak woodland, construction of the mountain bike <br />trail would not alter the overall view of the park from the designated scenic highway and the project <br />would have no impact to scenic resources as viewed from a state scenic highway. <br />c) In non-urbanized areas, would the project substantially degrade the existing visual character or <br />quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are <br />experienced from publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is in an urbanized area, would <br />the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? <br />The project site is within an existing park, and the proposed mountain bike trail would be consistent <br />with existing zoning. The Augustin Bernal Community Park supports a network of almost 5 miles of <br />trails. The project site contains unofficial user-created trails, thus users of the adjoining areas of <br />the park and the staging area/parking lot currently have views of the trail surface and bicyclists <br />moving through the site. Project construction could temporarily degrade the existing visual <br />character of the site and immediate surroundings as a result of disturbance associated with <br />grading and construction activities. Construction equipment and materials could also contribute to <br />temporary impacts to the visual quality of the site during construction. After construction, the <br />project would not alter the existing character of the site because it would continue the existing use <br />of the site and would require minimal vegetation removal and tree trimming. The park and
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