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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 1 April 2022 <br />1 Introduction <br />1.1 Project Overview <br />The Augustin Bernal Mountain Bike Trail Project (project) would consist of development of an approximately <br />0.7-mile-long (3,700 linear feet) technical mountain bike trail within and adjacent to Augustin Bernal <br />Community Park in the City of Pleasanton (City) and decommissioning of existing user-created trails. The <br />development of the proposed trail is anticipated in the Pleasanton Trails Master Plan (City of Pleasanton <br />2019a). Mountain bike users already use the proposed trail location and have created several trails through <br />this unofficial use. The purpose of the current project is to provide an appropriately designed and <br />engineered trail to minimize erosion and user risks, reduce potential pedestrian/bicyclist conflicts on the <br />multi-use trails in Augustin Bernal Community Park by encouraging some of the existing downhill mountain <br />bike traffic on the multi-use trails to divert to the new trail, and decommission user-created trails to <br />minimize potential adverse effects to the vegetation and wildlife in the park. The new technical trail would <br />include turns, banked jumps, and grade changes, along with wayfinding signage identifying that the trail is <br />only for mountain bike use. Access to the trail would be from other existing trails within Augustin Bernal <br />Community Park and from the staging area parking lot at the end of Golden Eagle Way, as well as from <br />trails within the adjacent Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park. Construction of the proposed trail would require <br />minor grading and vegetation clearing along the entire bike trail alignment. Decommissioning existing user- <br />created trails would involve removing constructed features such as berms and jumps, rehabilitating soil, <br />and broadcasting a seed mix to promote new vegetation growth. <br /> 1.2 California Environmental Quality Act Compliance <br />This Initial Study has been prepared per the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />of 1970 (California Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000, et seq.), and the CEQA Guidelines <br />(California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et seq.). <br />1.3 Public Review Process <br />The Initial Study and the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review for <br />a period of 30 days, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15073(a). The City provided public notice at the <br />beginning of the public review period. <br />This draft Initial Study is being routed to State agencies through the Office of Planning and Research under <br />a Notice of Completion. The City posted a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration on the <br />City’s website and has provided the Notice of Intent to the County Clerk’s office and via direct mailings and <br />emails to other stakeholders, local agencies, and other parties that have expressed interest in the project. <br />After the 30-day public review period, the City will consider all comments received, revise the Initial Study <br />as necessary, and schedule the project and the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, including this