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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 69 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Emissions Source <br />Criteria Pollutants <br />ROG NOX <br />PM10 <br />(Total) <br />PM2.5 <br />(Total) <br />PM10 = particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter <br />PM2.5 = particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in diameter <br />ROG = reactive organic gases <br />For average daily emissions, the proposed project is assumed to operate 365 days per year. Therefore, the annual <br />tonnage of emissions is multiplied by 2,000 pounds per ton to identify total pounds of emissions and divided by 365 days <br />per year to identify average daily emissions. <br />Source: CalEEMod Output (see Appendix B). Values above which represent less than 0.005 are automatically rounded <br />down and shown as <0.01. <br /> <br />As shown in Table 5, the proposed project would not exceed the BAAQMD’s thresholds of <br />significance during operation, indicating that ongoing project operations would not be considered to <br />have the potential to generate a significant quantity of air pollutants. Therefore, long-term <br />operational impacts associated with criteria pollutant emissions generated by the proposed project <br />would be less than significant. <br />Operational Carbon Monoxide Hotspot <br />The CO emissions from traffic generated by the proposed project are not estimated to be a concern <br />at the local level. However, congested intersections can result in the potential for high, localized <br />concentrations of CO, known as a CO hotspot. <br />The BAAQMD recommends a screening analysis to determine whether a project has the potential to <br />contribute to a CO hotspot. The screening criteria identify when site-specific CO dispersion modeling <br />is necessary. The proposed project would result in a less than significant impact to air quality for <br />local CO if all the following screening criteria are met: <br />• The project is consistent with an applicable Congestion Management Program (CMP) <br />established by the County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) for designated roads or <br />highways, regional transportation plan, and local CMA plans; and <br />• The project traffic would not increase traffic volumes at affected intersections to more <br />than 44,000 vehicles per hour; and <br />• The project traffic would not increase traffic volumes at affected intersections to more <br />than 24,000 vehicles per hour where vertical and/or horizontal mixing is substantially <br />limited (e.g., tunnel, parking garage, bridge underpass, natural or urban street canyon, <br />below-grade roadway). <br /> <br />The Local Traffic Analysis prepared for the proposed project analyzes the proposed project in <br />comparison to the General Plan Level of Service (LOS) D Standard and demonstrates consistency <br />with the residential development studies in the 2012 Housing Element. As a result, the proposed <br />project would be consistent with local and associated plans.