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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />66 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />dust control measures are implemented at the project site. With the implementation of Prior EIR <br />MM 4.B-1a, short-term construction impacts associated with violating an air quality standard or <br />contributing substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation would be less than <br />significant for fugitive dust. <br />Construction Air Pollutant Emissions: ROG, NOX, PM10, and PM2.5 <br />The California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), Version 2020.4.0, was used to estimate the <br />proposed project’s construction emissions. CalEEMod provides a consistent platform for estimating <br />construction and operational emissions from a wide variety of land use projects and is the model <br />recommended by the BAAQMD for estimating project emissions. Estimated construction emissions <br />are compared with the applicable thresholds of significance established by the BAAQMD to assess <br />ROG, NOX, exhaust PM10, and exhaust PM2.5 construction emissions to determine significance for this <br />criterion. <br />Construction of the proposed project is expected to start in June 2023 and conclude in October <br />2025. For the purposes of this analysis, construction of the proposed project was assumed to <br />correspond to these dates. If the construction schedule moves to later years, construction emissions <br />would likely decrease because of improvements in technology and more stringent regulatory <br />requirements that would affect future construction equipment. The duration of construction activity <br />and associated equipment represent a reasonable approximation of the expected construction fleet <br />as required by CEQA Guidelines. <br />The calculations of pollutant emissions from the construction equipment account for the type of <br />equipment, horsepower, and load factors of the equipment, along with the duration of use. <br />According to information provided by the project applicant, the construction of the proposed project <br />would be built in one phase and the proposed project would be operational after the construction. <br />As shown in Table 3, the proposed project would be constructed in a total of 610 workdays. For a <br />more detailed description of the construction parameters used in estimating air pollutant emissions <br />modeling, please refer to Appendix B. Daily average construction emissions are compared with the <br />BAAQMD’s significance thresholds in Table 4 below. <br />Table 3: Preliminary Construction Schedule <br />Construction Activity Phase Start Date Phase End Date <br />Working Days per <br />Week <br />Total Number of <br />Working Days <br />Demolition 6/19/2023 7/14/2023 5 20 <br />Site Preparation 7/15/2023 7/28/2023 5 10 <br />Grading 7/29/2023 8/25/2023 5 20 <br />Building Construction 8/26/2023 4/4/2025 5 420 <br />Paving 4/5/2025 5/2/2025 5 20 <br />Architectural Coating 5/3/2025 10/17/2025 5 120 <br />