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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />180 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The proposed project would be developed as considered in the Housing Element. A Preliminary <br />Sewer Loading Calculation was performed by Kimley-Horn and Associates in March 2022 (Appendix <br />I), which found that the proposed project would result in an average residential sewer load of <br />115,200 gallons per day (gpd) and a peak residential load of 230,400 gpd.112 This would be <br />approximately 2.7 percent of the City’s allocated 8.5 mgd of average dry-weather wastewater <br />treatment capacity at peak proposed project wastewater generation, and 2.2 percent of the City’s <br />10.3 mgd future expected average dry-weather wastewater treatment capacity at peak proposed <br />project wastewater generation. This level of wastewater generation is within the 603,137 gpd (675.6 <br />acre-feet per year) anticipated by the Prior EIR, and therefore implementation of the proposed <br />project would not result in new or more severe impacts related to wastewater treatment capacity <br />beyond what was previously analyzed in the Prior EIR. In addition, the proposed project would be <br />required to pay a Sewer Connection Fee to the City and DSRSD, as is required for all new residential <br />units under Title 15, Sewerage, of the Pleasanton Municipal Code.113 These fees would be used by <br />the City and the DSRSD to accommodate any increased demand in wastewater treatment beyond <br />previously purchased wastewater treatment capacity.114 Impacts would continue to be less than <br />significant, and no mitigation is necessary, consistent with the Prior EIR. There are no proposed <br />changes, new circumstances, or new information that would cause new or more severe impacts. <br />Therefore, there are no wastewater effects that are peculiar to the proposed project or the parcels <br />on which the proposed project would be located. Impacts would be less than significant and the <br />proposed project would not result in a new or more severe adverse impact that was not previously <br />identified in the Prior EIR. <br />d) Landfill Capacity <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />The Prior EIR concluded that the City generated 240,900 tons of garbage while achieving a diversion <br />rate 49.74 percent through the Pleasanton Garbage Service (PGS). As part of Alameda County’s goals <br />for waste reduction, the City is expected to divert more of its waste in the following years. Buildout <br />under the Housing Element, which would be served by the City’s existing contract with PGS, was <br />calculated by the Prior EIR to generate approximately 43,200 pounds of solid waste, or 21.6 tons of <br />waste in a day. In addition, the City would regulate diversion policies such as Policy 26 from the <br />Public Services and Community Programs Element of the General Plan, which states that the City <br />minimize solid waste materials and increase its diversion rate. As part of this policy, Program 26.18 <br />states that residential projects with more than three units implement a Project Waste Diversion Plan, <br />which should include on-site disposal, composting and recycling facilities, and a plan for construction <br />debris disposal and recycling. This plan would be reviewed and approved by the City as a part of the <br />land entitlement process. With this information, the Prior EIR concluded that the buildout of the <br />Housing Element would result in less than significant solid waste impacts. <br /> <br />112 Kimley-Horn and Associates. 2022. Preliminary Sewer Loading Calculations–Stoneridge Mall Residential Project. March. <br />113 City of Pleasanton. 2022. Development Fees. July 20. <br />114 Ibid.