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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />130 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />The Prior EIR found that buildout of the Housing Element could affect drainage patterns and create <br />increased stormwater flows that could exceed existing stormwater drainage system capacities and <br />create new sources of polluted runoff. However, it was determined that compliance with the ACCWP <br />NPDES Permit and implementation of the RWQCB Construction General Permit would require future <br />development under the Housing Element to incorporate BMPs to control sedimentation, erosion, <br />and hazardous materials contamination of runoff during construction. Furthermore, the C.3 <br />provision of the ACCWP NPDES Permit requires that there be no net increase in stormwater rates <br />and runoff at sites proposed for buildout under the Housing Element. These regulations would <br />ensure that there would be no net increase in runoff at future individual development projects. In <br />addition, it was determined that site plans, design, and BMPs would be reviewed and approved by <br />the City and/or the San Francisco Bay RWQCB for compliance with applicable water quality <br />regulations as project proponents apply for development permits and the applicable NPDES permits. <br />Therefore, it was concluded that buildout of the Housing Element would have a less than significant <br />impact. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />As discussed above, the proposed project would be required to prepare a SWPPP incorporating <br />BMPs to control contamination of runoff during project construction. This would minimize any <br />impacts associated with additional sources of pollutants. <br />Additionally, as discussed above, the proposed project would reduce the amount of impervious <br />surfaces on the project site from 239,773 square feet to 220,438 square feet. In addition, the <br />proposed project would construct a new storm drainage system with multiple bioretention areas, <br />inlets, underground piping, and landscaping that would capture, slow down, and cleanse runoff and <br />route it to existing storm drain lines on Stoneridge Mall Road to the south and east of the project <br />site, thus reducing peak runoff rates on the project site (Exhibit 9). The storm drainage system would <br />be required to be designed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the <br />Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapter 9.14, Stormwater Management and Discharge Control. <br />Additionally, the proposed project would follow the standards established by provision C.3 of the <br />ACCWP NPDES Permit. These measures would ensure that the proposed project does not result in an <br />increase in surface runoff, and therefore would not exceed the capacity of the existing stormwater <br />lines on Stoneridge Mall Road. <br />Impacts would continue to be less than significant, and no mitigation is necessary, consistent with <br />the Prior EIR. There are no proposed changes, new circumstances, or new information that would <br />cause new or more severe impacts. <br />Therefore, there are no environmental effects that are peculiar to the proposed project or the <br />parcels on which the proposed project would be located. Impacts would be less than significant and <br />the proposed project would not result in a new or more severe adverse impact that was not <br />previously identified in the Prior EIR. <br />iv) Impedance or Redirection of Flood Flows