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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 91 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />bulldozers, frontend loaders, forklifts, and cranes. Construction equipment is estimated to consume <br />a total of 31,387 gallons of diesel fuel over the entire construction duration (Appendix B). <br />Fuel use associated with construction vehicle trips generated by the proposed project was also <br />estimated; trips include construction worker trips, haul truck trips for material transport, and vendor <br />trips for construction material deliveries. Fuel use from these vehicles traveling to the project site <br />was based on (1) the projected number of trips the proposed project would generate during <br />construction, (2) average trip distances by trip type, and (3) fuel efficiencies estimated in the ARB <br />Emissions Factors model (EMFAC2021) mobile source emission model. The specific parameters used <br />to estimate fuel usage are included in Appendix B. In total, the proposed project is estimated to <br />generate 2,285,346 VMT and a combined 105,139 gallons of gasoline and diesel for vehicle travel <br />during construction. <br />Other equipment could include construction lighting, field services (office trailers), and electrically <br />driven equipment such as pumps and other tools. Singlewide mobile office trailers, which are <br />commonly used in construction staging areas, generally range in size from 160 square feet to 720 <br />square feet. A typical 720-square-foot office trailer would consume approximately 28,822 kilowatt- <br />hours (kWh) during the 28-month construction (Appendix B). <br />The proposed project’s construction is not anticipated to result in unusually high energy use. <br />Limitations on idling of vehicles and equipment and requirements that equipment be properly <br />maintained would result in fuel savings. Similarly, compliance with State regulations would limit <br />idling from both on-road and off-road diesel-powered equipment and are enforced by the ARB. For <br />example, equipment and fuel are not typically used wastefully due to the added expense associated <br />with renting the equipment, maintaining it, and fueling it. Therefore, it is anticipated that <br />construction of the proposed project would not result in wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary <br />energy consumption, and energy impacts during construction would be less than significant. <br />For long-term energy consumption, the proposed project would consume energy as part of building <br />operations and transportation activities. The project’s annual energy consumption estimates are <br />summarized in Table 7. <br />Table 7: Annual Project Energy Consumption <br />Energy Consumption Activity Annual Consumption <br />Electricity Consumption 1,746,251 kWh/year <br />Natural Gas Consumption 0 kBTU/year <br />Total Fuel Consumption 153,480 gallons of diesel and gasoline/year <br />Notes: <br />kBTU = kilo-British Thermal Unit <br />kWh = kilowatt-hour <br />Source: Appendix B <br />