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Exhibit A2 <br />4 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />(a)(4)(D) The permit processing, development, and management standards applied under <br />this paragraph shall not be deemed to be discretionary acts within the meaning of the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of <br />the Public Resources Code). <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(4)(F) A local government that can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department <br />the existence of one or more emergency shelters either within its jurisdiction or pursuant <br />to a multijurisdictional agreement that can accommodate that jurisdiction’s need for <br />emergency shelter identified in paragraph (7) may comply with the zoning requirements <br />of subparagraph (A) by identifying a zone or zones where new emergency shelters are <br />allowed with a conditional use permit. <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(4)(G) A local government with an existing ordinance or ordinances that comply with <br />this paragraph shall not be required to take additional action to identify zones for <br />emergency shelters. The housing element must only describe how existing ordinances, <br />policies, and standards are consistent with the requirements of this paragraph. <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(5) An analysis of potential and actual governmental constraints upon the <br />maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels, including <br />the types of housing identified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c), and <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(5) for persons with disabilities as identified in the analysis pursuant to paragraph (7), Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(5) including land use controls, Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />(a)(5) building codes and their enforcement, Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.3: Building and <br />Housing Codes and Enforcement <br />(a)(5) site improvements, Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.5: On and Off-site <br />Improvements <br />(a)(5) fees and other exactions required of developers, Appendix C: Housing Constraints