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-12 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />89.A9.3 Landscape plans shall designate proposed plant species. Such species shall <br />comply with the following: <br />a.A minimum of 50 percent of tree specimens shall be from species <br />classified as Low and Very Low on the California state Water Use Classification of <br />Landscape Species IV (WUCOLS IV) Zone 1 plant list. <br />b.A minimum of 75 percent of shrub and ground cover specimens shall be <br />from species classified as Low or Very Low on the WUCOLS Zone 1 plant list. <br />Complies. <br />90.A9.4 Natural turf areas shall be limited by the following standards: <br />a.The maximum turf area shall be limited to 25 percent of total landscape <br />area. <br />b.Turf areas shall have a minimum contiguous dimension of 10 feet to <br />ensure viability. <br />c.Turf areas shall be sloped at less than 25 percent (3:12” slope) for <br />viability. <br />Complies. <br />A9. Landscape –Design Guidelines (p. 29) <br />91.A9.a Landscape plans should incorporate seasonal variety and color to the maximum <br />extent feasible. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />92.A9.b Tall deciduous trees should be utilized where summer shade is needed and <br />winter solar access desired. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />93.A9.c Grass planting areas outside of common open spaces should be limited to no <br />more than 5 percent of all planting area. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />94.A9.d Stormwater treatment adjacent to walking surfaces should provide a ground <br />surface within 6 inches of sidewalk grade, or a buffer strip at sidewalk grade. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />A10. Site Lighting –Development Standards (p. 29) <br />95.A10.1 Pedestrian-scaled lighting required along Public Streets, Internal Streets, Paseos, <br />and Common Open Spaces shall be mounted no higher than 14 feet above the <br />adjacent walking surface. <br />Complies. <br />96.A10.2 All site lighting shall comply with the following standards: <br />a.Specified Site Lighting fixtures shall provide a maximum Backlight Uplight <br />Glare (BUG) rating of B3 U0 G1. <br />b.All site lighting shall be appropriate for California Energy Commission <br />Lighting Zone 3. <br />Complies.