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-6 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />24.A2.7 Site plans shall comply with the maximum dimensional standards illustrated in the <br />following Site Circulation and Building Orientation diagrams. <br />Modify.Same as Row 20 <br />regarding building breaks. <br />A2. Building Orientation –Design Guidelines (p.15) <br />25.A1.a Buildings should face Public Streets, Internal Streets, and Paseos to provide <br />clearly identifiable addresses for units. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />A3. Public Streets –Development Standards (p. 18) <br />26.A3.1 Public streets shall have a minimum 6-foot-wide tree planting strip and a 6-foot- <br />wide sidewalk on each side of the street. Where a meandering sidewalk is <br />proposed, the planting strip shall be allowed to meet an average width of 6 feet. <br />Complies, along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. <br />27.A3.2 Front setbacks on Public Street frontages shall comply with the following: <br />a.Ground-floor front residential setbacks shall be a minimum 10 feet from <br />the back of sidewalk. 15 feet is preferred to allow for a second row of trees. <br />b.Buildings with retail or commercial at the ground floor shall be set back at <br />least 10 feet from back of sidewalk. <br />Complies, along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. <br />28.A3.3 Low landscape walls, not to exceed 3 feet in height, shall be allowed to encroach <br />within Public Street setbacks to a maximum of 2 feet from back of sidewalk. <br />Residential porches and terraces shall be allowed to encroach up to 5 feet into <br />any setback. <br />Complies,along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. <br />29.A3.4 Public streets shall be designed to include planned improvements in the <br />Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master. <br />N/A. The Project does not <br />propose to design any public <br />streets. <br />30.A3.5 Street trees shall be planted at an average spacing of 25 feet with no individual <br />spacing exceeding 40 feet. <br />Complies,along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. <br />31.A3.6 Pedestrian-scaled lighting shall be provided on all public streets in compliance <br />with Section A10. <br />Complies,along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road. <br />A4. Internal Streets –Development Standards (pp. 19-20) <br />32.A4.1 Internal Streets shall provide through or loop circulation. A maximum of 20 <br />percent of the total of internal street and alley segments shall be allowed to <br />terminate in a dead end or turn around. <br />N/A. See Row 10. <br />33.A4.2 A minimum of two internal street segments shall provide direct connection to <br />development landmarks or site amenities such as designated open spaces, parks, <br />or community buildings. <br />N/A. See Row 10.